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Reduction of the elastic limit of rolled steel and implementation of thermomechanically rolled steels and Histar® steel (ArcelorMittal) for CTE DB SE-A, EAE 2011 and Eurocodes

When the selected steel code is the CTE DB SE-A (Spain), EAE 2011 (Spain) or Eurocodes 3 and 4 (EU or any of Eurocode adaptations to other countries), the program allows users to choose thermomechanical rolled steel and Histar® rolled steel (ArcelorMittal).

Compared to conventional steels, the elastic limit for these steels has been reduced depending on the nominal thickness of the section, and so, it may be useful to use them with large sections.

Depending on the selected code, the steel types users can choose amongst are:

  • CTE DB SE-A (Spain)
    • Conventional rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with CTE DB SE-A:
      S235, S275, S355 and S450.
    • Thermomechanical rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with CTE DB SE-A (2015.j version):
      S275M, S355M, S420M and S460M.
    • Histar® rolled steel (ArcelorMittal) (2015.j version):
      S355 HISTAR® and S460 HISTAR®.

  • EAE 2011 (Spain)
    • Conventional rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EAE 2011:
      S235 (EAE), S275 (EAE), S355 (EAE).
    • Conventional rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EN 10025-2 (Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels) (2015.j version):
      S235 (EN 10025-2), S275 (EN 10025-2), S355 (EN 10025-2) and S450 (EN 10025-2).
    • Thermomechanical rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EN 10025-4 (Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels) (2015.j version):
      S235 (EN 10025-4), S275 (EN 10025-4), S355 (EN 10025-4) and S450 (EN 10025-4).
    • Histar® rolled steel (ArcelorMittal) (2015.j version):
      S355 HISTAR® and S460 HISTAR®.
  • Eurocodes 3 and 4
    • Conventional rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EN 1993-1-1:
      S235 (EN 1993-1-1), S275 (EN 1993-1-1) and S355 (EN 1993-1-1).
    • Conventional rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EN 10025-2 (Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels) (2015.j version):
      S235 (EN 10025-2), S275 (EN 10025-2), S355 (EN 10025-2) and S450 (EN 10025-2).
    • Thermomechanical rolled steel with elastic limit reduction in accordance with EN 10025-4 (Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels) (2015.j version):
      S235 (EN 10025-4), S275 (EN 10025-4), S355 (EN 10025-4) and S450 (EN 10025-4).
    • Histar® rolled steel (ArcelorMittal) (2015.j version):
      S355 HISTAR® and S460 HISTAR®.
    • Rolled steel no longer in use, which are available for compatibility reasons for older jobs:
      Fe360, Fe430 and Fe510.

Rolled steel angles in a box and U sections

As of the 2015.i version, users can define sections composed of symmetrical or unsymmetrical rolled steel angles:

  • The following sections can be defined with symmetrical angles:
    • Double welded in box
    • Double in box generic joint
    • Double in U generic joint
  • The following sections can be defined with unsymmetrical angles:
    • Double in U generic joint

These two sections were available, as of previous versions, for cold-formed steel angle sections.

Temperature and retraction loads in shells

CYPE 3D has allowed, since previous versions, for surface loads to be defined on shells. As of the 2015.h version, CYPE 3D allows users to define temperature and retraction increments on the shells. This can be done in the “Introduce loads on shells” dialogue box (Loads > Introduce loads on shells).

Furthermore, now that, as of the 2015.h version, specific loadcases for temperature and retraction can be defined in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D, any temperature and retraction loads applied can be included in their specific loadcases and combined with the other loadcases in accordance with the selected design code.

Optimisation of shell discretisation meshes

As of the 2015.h version, the mesh applied to discretise shells has been optimised. A more homogenous discretisation is now generated with an optimum ratio of each element, aimed at minimising any tension gradients between the finite elements of the discretisation.

The program also adapts the mesh to the geometry of the loads that have been defined in the load panels in the same plane as the shell, and so allowing for load panels which will only affect part of the surface of a shell to be defined. Therefore, shells no longer have to be divided for a load to be able to occupy its entire surface.

The load panel does, however, have to be completely covered by shells, even if there are shells in the panel that are not completely covered by it.

Specific loadcases for temperature and retraction loads

As of the 2015.h version, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D allow users to define specific loadcases for temperature and retraction loads. This way, they can be considered in the load combinations in accordance with the selected code.

Improved code application. NEC-11 (Ecuador) and Norma Técnica E.030 (Peru)

  • NEC-11 (Ecuador)
    Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción. Capítulo 2.- Peligro sísmico y requisitos de diseño.
  • Norma Técnica E.030 (Peru)
    Norma Técnica E.030 Diseño Sismorresistente.

These codes were already implemented in an earlier version of CYPECAD and CYPE 3D. Now, in the 2015.h version, users can define the seismic spectrum.

A design spectrum must be defined for the seismic analysis of the structure. Each seismic code provides the criteria to be followed, within a specific territory, when considering seismic action in the project. Nevertheless, the project designer may adopt, under his/her responsibility, different criteria to that established in the code. The program provides users with the tools to be able to contemplate this possibility for the selected codes. The design seismic spectrum can be:

  • Calculated according to that specified in the seismic code to be applied
  • Specified by users based on their own criteria

More information on which codes allow users to define a customised design spectrum can be found in the Seismic spectrum specified by users section in the CYPECAD page.ermiten esta posibilidad.

Connections at an angle on plan

As of the 2015.f version, some types of welded and bolted I-section beam-beam and beam-column connections can be designed and checked in CYPE 3D and in CYPE-Connect when beams reach the web of the other beam, or to the flange or web of columns and are not at a right angle on plan.

The maximum permitted angle will depend on whether the connection can be executed (space available to place bolts) and on design standard limitations (effective weld angle).

Below are the types of connections for which this angle can be used (for both welded and bolted connections):

  • Beam – column flange moment connections
  • Beam – column web moment connections
  • Beam – column flange simple connection
  • Beam – Column web simple connection
  • Beam – beam simple connection

The connection details drawing includes an on-plan view, the angle of the beams with respect to the plane orthogonal to the surface connecting to the column or beam.

Connections with eccentricity between webs

As of the 2015.f version, welded and bolted I-section column-lintel connections designed and checked in CYPE 3D and CYPE-Connect, can have slightly eccentrically aligned webs. Both programs can design these connections whilst the projections of the webs of the column and lintel overlap in a plane perpendicular to that of the webs’.

Analysis without checking bars

In the 2015.f version, checking bars is an analysis option, and so, users can analyse the structure with or without checking bars. In previous versions, when the job was analysed, bars were checked and users did not have the option to analyse to simply obtain forces.

As of the 2015.f version, results which depend on bars having been checked will not be available if the option “Check bars” has not been activated. By including this option, the use of the program has been optimised especially in the early design stages of the structure where users do not wish to check sections but rather know how the structure behaves and how the forces are distributed.

Copy panels with surface loads

As of the 2015.f version, when a panel is copied (Job > Copy elements) , all the surface loads applied on the copied panel are also copied automatically. In previous versions, copying a panel did not imply that its surface loads would also be copied, unless the option to copy the surface loads was activated.

3D window of a selection of elements

As of previous versions, users can create windows to work with all the structure in 3D, part of the structure in 3D included in an orthogonal parallelepiped defined by its diagonal, or in 2D corresponding to selected planes.

As of the 2015.f version, users can create 3D windows of a selection of elements (Window > Open new > 3D view of a selection of elements). Upon selecting this option, users can select nodes, bars and shells; one element at a time or using a capture window. As well as selected bars, the following elements will also appear in 3D windows created in this manner:

  • Bars, even though they have not been selected, whose initial or final node also belong to the selected bars.
  • Bars which have been introduced in the 3D window.

As occurs in any 3D or 2D window, bars that are introduced in 3D windows of a selection of elements generate intermediate nodes at intersection points with other bars only if the option: “Generate nodes at intersection points” (Bar menu); even if these bars are not included in the window.

3D windows created using a selection of elements allows users to work in an isolated manner on part of the structure without having to view the complete structure.

Improvements in the representation of shell integration strips

In previous versions, integration strips defined on shells to consult forces could not be represented on drawings neither was a reference or information on the width of each strip available.

As of the 2015.f version, the integration strips can be added in the shell drawings. These integration strips will appear with their reference in the strip editing window, on drawings and in tooltips. Furthermore, information regarding the width of each strip has been added in the forces report.