Update history​


Generation of the self-weight of bars

Since the first version of Metal 3D (CYPE 3D as of the 2014.a version), the self-weight of the sections that are introduced are automatically generated by the program, regardless of the type of material that has been selected: steel, aluminium, timber, or any other user-defined material (except for steel bars defined as ties, for which the self-weight of the section is not taken into account).

As of the 2015.b version, the automatic generation of the self-weight of the sections that have been introduced is optional. A new option has been implemented: Generate self-weight loads of the bars (Load menu). When this option is selected, a dialogue box opens where the self-weight of the bars, selected after accepting the dialogue box, can be activated or deactivated.

CYPE 3D generates the self-weight of all the bars by default. The self-weight of bars defined as ties is still not taken into account, furthermore, the option “Generation of the self-weight of bars” does not allow for bars defined as ties to be selected.

Implementation of the IS 800: 2007 (India) code for the design and check of steel connections

The 2015.b version includes the Indian rolled and welded steel code (IS 800: 2007) for the design and verification of connections designed using the Joints (I, II, III, IV and V) modules and the “Baseplates” module. This code was already implemented in CYPE 3D (Metal 3D) as of previous versions, but it was not possible to modify the designed connections. Now, using the IS 800:2007 code, the edit, check and design features of CYPE 3D for steel connections and baseplates that were implemented in the previous version (2015.a) can be used. 

The Indian rolled and welded steel code “IS 800: 2007” is also implemented in CYPE-Connect.

Code implementation. P100-1/2013 (Romania)

Cod de proiectare seismică P100, Partea 1 - P100-1/2013

Implemented in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D.

Improved code application. IS 800: 2007 (India)

Indian Standard. General construction in steel – Code of practice (Third Revision).

This code was already implemented in CYPECADCYPE 3DContinuous beams and Portal frame generator to design and check rolled and welded steel bars. Now, in the 2015.b version, the code has been implemented in CYPE-Connect and in CYPE 3D for the design and check of steel connections.

“CYPE 3D – Example” manual update

The “CYPE 3D – Example” manual has been updated so to include the new features of CYPE 3D (section library management, assign sections to bars, bar and panel layer management and the modification of joints and baseplates).

The manual, in English, will shortly be available. The version in Spanish can be downloaded by clicking here.

Export to 64-bit Tekla® Structures

As of the 2015.a version, CYPE 3D allows users to export the designed structure to 64-bit Tekla® Structures.

Edit, check and design connections (integration of CYPE-Connect)

The 2015.a version of CYPE 3D (Metal 3D) allows users to edit, check and design connections for its five joints modules (Joints I, Joints II, Joints III, Joints IV and Joints V). Additionally, baseplates can also be edited, checked and designed.

As of the 2015.a version, CYPE 3D allows users to:

  • Check, design and generate the details of bolted or welded joints with rolled and welded I-sections (including the baseplates for these sections) if the user license contains the “Joints I, II, III and IV” modules.
  • Check, design and generate the details of welded connections with hollow structural sections (circular hollow sections, rectangular hollow sections, square hollow sections and those created from two channels welded in a box) if the user license contains the “Joints V” module.
  • Check, design and generate welded baseplates for any steel column arrangement (simple and composite steel sections; rolled, welded and cold-formed steel sections) if the user license contains the “Baseplates” module.
  • Obtain the detailed check reports for each type of joint (including baseplates).

These new features imply the integration of CYPE-Connect in CYPE 3D (Metal 3D). CYPE-Connect was implemented in the 2014.f version and was designed to check, design and generate the details of welded and bolted steel connections with rolled I-sections. CYPE-Connect follows the same design procedure as CYPE 3D, but until now, CYPE 3D could not modify and automatically check the connections designed by the program.

CYPE-Connect also includes new features which allow for it to design and check joint types and baseplates which could only be designed until now with Metal 3D (now CYPE 3D) .

The Joints menu of CYPE 3D has been restructured so steel connections may be edited and checked. All these options affect the edit process, check and design of the joints and baseplates. The new options contained in the “Joints” menu of CYPE 3D are described below:

  • Materials
  • Options
    Allows users to configure the options the program will use to design the connections.
  • New
    Creates a joint, for which users can create multiple connections at the same node. To create a joint, one of the following procedures must be followed:
    • To create a joint with all the bars at the node, select the node and press the right mouse button.
    • To create a connection at the end of a bar (a baseplate, for example), select the end of the bar and press the right mouse button, or select the node if it is the only element to be used and press the right mouse button.
    • To create a joint for a group of bars, select the bars by pressing with the left mouse button in an area close to the node at which the joint is to be creates, then press the right mouse button.
  • Delete
  • Edit
    Edits and checks a joint. When this option is activated, joints are displayed in different colours, depending on whether they fail any checks.
  • Assign
    Copies a joint to another of the same type which is defined for a geometrically compatible group of elements (same number and type of elements, same relative positions between them and same fixity at the connection node).
  • Group
    Allows users to group a joint with one of the same type which is defined for a geometrically compatible group of elements (same number and type of elements, same relative positions and rotations between them and same fixity at the connection node).
  • Ungroup
  • Block
    Blocks a joint so it cannot be modified during the design process.
  • Unblock
  • Search
  • Generate
    Using this option, the program analyses all the nodes of the job and assigns, to those elements without any previously defined connections, the detected joints.
  • Design
    Using this option, the program designs all the joints that have been defined.
  • Rotational stiffness
    Users can consult and modify the values of the rotational stiffness of the joints applied by the program and for those whose rotational behaviour is to be analysed.
  • Update the design results of the connections
    This option updates the design results of the rotational stiffness of the connections of the job once the joints have been edited.

Improvements and new data introduction tools

Section library management

The “Management of the section library” option (Job menu) allows users to import predefined section series into the current job, establish the default lists available for new jobs and export section series of the current job to different file formats. All this is possible using three options that appear in a dialogue box when the “Management of the section library” option is executed.

Assign sections to bars

As well as the new section library management, the process undertaken to assign sections to the bars to be introduced and those already introduced has been improved:

  • New (Bar menu)
    As of the 2015.a version, the “New” option in the “Bar” menu opens a dialogue box where users can:
    • Select the section of the bar that is going to be introduced. This can be done in two ways:
      • By selecting it from the libraries available in the job (the same way as with the “Describe section” option).
      • By selecting it from a list where the sections used in the job are displayed.
    • Establish the layout of the section (adjustment point and rotation angle)
  • Describe section (Bar menu)
    A list of the sections that are being used in the job has been added to the dialogue box that opens upon selecting this option and then selecting a bar, from which users can select a section. Additionally, other options which already existed since previous versions (material selection, type of section, section series, section layout – simple, with haunches, double welded in a box...-, edit section series, access to library management) are located in the same dialogue box (without having to open other dialogues like in previous versions).
  • Root radius and angle of the flanges of rolled sections
    By editing rolled sections, users can define:
    • For any rolled section:
      • The root radius between the web and flange
      • The root radius between the sides of the flanges
    • For I-sections and simple channels
      • Inclination of the flanges
  • New welded section type
    I-sections with different flange lengths and variable depth have been added.

Layer management (bars and panels)

Three options have been created in the “Job” menu, which allow users to class bars and load panels in layers defined by themselves, so they may be viewed in their respective layers and for bars to only interact with the elements of the visible layers.

  • Layer management
    Allows users to define layers or group views for elements or panels. Users will only be able to interact with elements belonging to layers which are visible. Elements and panels alike will be assigned to the active layer when created.
  • Assign elements to layers
    Users can change the layer of the selected elements.
  • Assign panels to layers
    This allows users to change the layer assigned to the selected load panels.

Move, rotate, copy and copy with symmetry

The 2015.a version includes a wide range of options to define the geometry of the structure. These are located in the “Job” menu and are:

  • Move elements
    Moves a selection of elements to a new position.
    Select the elements to be moved using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left and mark the two points which define the displacement origin and its magnitude.
  • Rotate elements in the XY plane
    Rotates a selection of elements about the global z axis. If the operation is carried out in a 2D view, the rotation will be performed in the plane of the view.
    Select the elements to rotate using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left, and mark the two points which define the rotation angle.
  • Rotate elements about an axis defined by two points
    Rotates a selection of elements about an axis defined by two points. If the operation is carried out in a 2D view, the rotation will be performed in the plane of the view. Select the elements to rotate using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left. Mark the two points which define the rotation axis followed by the rotation angle about the axis.
  • Rotate elements in the XY plane given three points
    Rotates a selection of elements about the global z axis with respect to the origin indicated by users and with the angle defined by any three points. If the operation is carried out in a 2D view, the rotation will be performed in the plane of the view. Select the elements to rotate using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left. Mark the point of origin of the rotation and the three points which define its magnitude.
  • Copy elements
    Copies a selection of elements at a new position.
    Select the elements to be copied using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left and mark the two points which define the displacement origin and its magnitude.
  • Element symmetry in the XY plane
    Carries out a symmetrical copy of a selection of elements with respect to the plane defined by a vector introduced by users and the global z axis. If the operation is carried out in a 2D view, the symmetry will be carried out with respect to the line defined by the vector.
    Select the elements to be copied using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left and mark the two points which define the origin of symmetry and the direction of the vector in the global XY plane.
  • Element symmetry with respect to a plane
    Carries out a symmetrical copy of a selection of elements with respect to a plane defined by three points. If the operation is carried out in a 2D view, the symmetry will be carried out with respect to the line defined by the first two points. Select the elements to be copied using the left mouse button. Once selected, press the right mouse button, then the left and mark the three points defining the plane of symmetry.

Import text files

Generates the geometry of the job automatically using a text file with a specific format. The format these text files are to have is specified in the dialogue box that appears when this option is selected from the “Job” menu to select the file to be imported.

Import DXF and DWG files

The option to import files in DXF and DWG format to automatically generate the geometry of the structure (Job > Import DXF and DWG files) incorporates the following improvements:

  • Layer generation
    As of previous versions, when CYPE 3D imports a DXF or DWG file, users select the layers of the DXF or DWG which contain the elements to be imported. As of the 2015.a version, the layers selected in the DXF or DWG file are created in CYPE 3D with the same name and colour as they had in the file. Imported bars remain assigned to the same layer as they were in the DXF or DWG file. This is possible because the creation of view layers has been implemented in CYPE 3D. 
  • Insertion point selection
    CYPE 3D requests users to define an insertion point to insert the geometry of the structure obtained from a DXF or DWG file. The program allows users to:
    • Import at the position defined in the DXF or DWG file
    • Select the reference point for the import

Move bar end

The option “Move end” has been implemented in the “Bar” menu, and allows users to move the end o the selected bar without having to move any other bars connected to the node reaching that end. To move all the bars connected to a node, the “Move” option in the “Node” menu can be used (option available since the first version of Metal 3D).

Select and edit loadcases (on bars, on nodes and surface loads)

To help users when editing loads, a dialogue box appears on screen (visible loadcase) when any of the load editing options are selected from the “Load” menu (see image).

The visible loadcase at any moment can be selected in this dialogue box.

Three new options have been implemented to modify the loadcase assigned to each load: “Edit loadcases on bars”, “Edit loadcases on nodes” and “Edit surface load loadcases”. These allow for the loadcases of several loads to be edited at the same time.

Move surface loads

The option “Move surface loads” allows users to move the selected load and, as of the 2015.a version, also move surface loads applied at the same zone belonging to other loadcases.

To do so, when this option is selected, a dialogue box appears allowing users to activate or deactivate this possibility. Once the dialogue box has been accepted, the selection can be modified by pressing the right mouse button.

Generic node

The 2015.a version includes a new type of node. “Generic node”. With this type of node, users can define different rotation groups for the same node. Any node of a structure may be defined as a generic node by selecting the More info link button in the “Internal fixity” dialogue box (Node > Internal fixity).

Information on how to define the internal fixities of the bars reaching the node can be found by selecting the help button More info link in the top left-hand corner of the each dialogue.

If the selected node of the structure has a fixity with a coerced rotation, users can define, in the “Internal fixity” dialogue box, how the external coercion is applied to the rotation groups. In this case two options will appear in the bottom part of the dialogue with information on its operation.

Change of the name of the program

As of the 2015.a version, Metal 3D (whose name depended on the language in which it was installed) is now called CYPE 3D regardless of the language in which it is installed.

Code implementation. ABNT NBR 6118:2014 (Brazil)

Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118 (2014). Projeto de estruturas de concreto – Procedimento.

Implemented in CYPECADCYPE 3D (Metal 3D), Punching shear verification, Stairs, Flat slabs, Corbels, Great depth beams, Foundation elements and Continuous beams.

Code implementation. NTDS. Norma Técnica para Diseño por Sismo (El Salvador)

Norma Técnica para Diseño por Sísmico (El Salvador)

Implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D.

The 2014.i version includes in CYPECAD:

  • static analysis method (equivalent lateral force)
    The analysis method selection (dynamic or static) is carried out using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where the seismic load is defined.
  • Correction due to base shear
    This correction is applied to the seismic analysis using the dynamic analysis (spectral modal) method. To calculate the base shear with the ABNT NBR 15421:2006 code, CYPECAD offers two options for users to indicate the Fundamental period of the structure in two ways:
  • Based on the code
  • Specified by the user

More information on the correction due to base shear carried out by CYPECAD .
More information on how the fundamental period of the structure is determined .

Improved code application. L and Z cold-formed sections for AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (USA), AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (Mexico) and CAN/CSA S136-07 (Canada)

    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
  • AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LRFD) (México)
    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. S136-07 Endorsed in Mexico by CANACERO.
  • CAN/CSA S136-07 (Canadá)
    North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. Approved in Canada by the Canadian Standards Association CSA.

These design standards were already implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D. As of the 2014.i version, the program implements the design of L and Z-shaped cold-formed sections.