Update history​


Maximum admissible occupancy

In many projects, the requirements and checks set by the regulations have an occupancy limit restriction.

As of the 2019.a version, CYPEFIRE Design allows users to indicate the maximum allowable occupancy in the "Building configuration” dialogue box (General options > General settings section > "Building configuration" button). The program calculates the total occupancy and compares it to the value that has been entered in this new option.

The calculation is carried out by obtaining all the occupancies of the spaces involved in the fire protection design of the BIM model.

In the "Building configuration" dialogue box, as well as entering the value of the "Maximum admissible occupancy" it is possible to indicate the article of the standard and the description.

Maximum elevation below ground level that is accessible by the public

As of the 2019.a version, CYPEFIRE Design performs a new check on the zones. It is the "Maximum elevation below ground level that is accessible by the public".

With this check, it is possible to edit the maximum rising height that can be covered by any occupant below ground level. Like the rest of the checks, it is possible to edit the article and the code description.

This check limits the maximum level below ground that can be accessed by the public. This does not imply that there cannot be spaces or floors below this limit, although in that case their occupation must be null.

Requirement of a fire alarm control panel

The 2019.a version includes the requirement for detection centers over the zones. It works like other requirements that have been implemented in the program: by introducing the article and the code description of the requirement, as well as being able to edit the limits from which this equipment begins to be necessary.

With this new requirement, detectors, alarm systems and alarm buttons can be introduced independently without having introduced a detection center.

Wet standpipes

It is now possible to introduce “Wet standpipes”. To do so, the “Dry standpipe” option in the “Equipment catalogue” section of the “General options” dialogue box, has been changed to “Standpipe” and in its description, users can choose the type of standpipe “Dry standpipe” or “Wet standpipe” that is to be defined.

New checks

Minimum access roads

The 2018.l version allows users to check the minimum number of access roads that are required depending on the type of code and project to solve.

Distance to alarm buttons

If the alarm buttons are introduced on access roads (as occurred with fire extinguishers as of previous versions), the program will check that any evacuation origin is not located at a distance greater than that introduced by users in the “Evacuation routes” dialogue box.

IGH (Immeubles de grande hauteur) project types for the Moroccan code

The 2018.l version of CYPEFIRE Design includes the following types of IGH buildings (Immeubles de grande hauteur) for the Moroccan code: “Règlement de sécurité contre les risques d’incendie et de panique dans les constructions”, which correspond to buildings which are over 28m in height or residential buildings with a height of over 50m:

  • GHA
  • GHO
  • GHR
  • GHS
  • GHU
  • GHW
  • GHZ
  • GHTC
  • ITGH

New types of ERP projects: W, X, Y, PA, CTS, SG, OA, PS, GA, EF and BM

The 2018.j version of CYPEFIRE Design includes the following types of ERP building projects (Établissements recevant du public) for the Moroccan code, “Règlement de sécurité contre les risques d’incendie et de panique dans les constructions”:

  • Établissements recevant du public: Administration, banques, bureaux (Type W)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Établissements sportifs couverts (Type X)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Musées (Type Y)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Établissements de plein air (Type PA)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Chapiteaux, tentes et structures itinérants effectif > 50 personnes (Type CTS)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Structures Gonflables (Type SG)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Hôtels-Restaurants d’altitude (Type OA)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Parcs de stationnements couverts (Type PS)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Gares accessibles au public (Type GA)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Établissements flottants (Type EF)
  • Établissements recevant du public: Bains maures (Type BM)


Elevators are added to the general option checks. Now, it is possible to include all space belonging to lifts, define different types of lifts (such as those only to be used for firefighter access) and export this information to the IFC file.

Indoor compartmentation

As of the 2018.i version, the indoor compartmentation (zones that are divided into smaller compartments using vertical partitions with a specific fire resistance) can include the following requirements:

  • Fire smoke control
    Required installation of fire smoke controls in the zone.
  • Communication with other zones via safe zones
    This requirement could already be activated for certain types of zones. Now, it can be activated so the indoor compartmentation has, at its communication point with other zones or adjacent indoor compartments, a valid safe zone for the communication (such as independent lobbies).

Safe zones

In previous program versions, safe zones were assigned individually for each Use unit (space). This prevented one zone from being assigned to two neighbouring spaces, and hence, the check of the minimum surface area from being carried out on the two bordering spaces as a single space.

In the 2018.i version, “Safe zones” are assigned in the same way as are “Zones”, “Risk zones”, “Indoor compartmentation”, “Use units”, “Elevator/Lifts” and “Stairs”. This way, it is possible to group spaces within the same safe zone.

The following safe zone requirements have also been added in the 2018.i version:

  • Detection system
    Detectors required in the zone.
  • Fire smoke control
    Required installation of fire smoke controls in the zone.

Risk zone requirements

As occurs with Zones, the limits as of which each requirement is requested are added for risk zones.

Additionally, for “Zones” and “Risk zones”, their volume is also added as an additional limit of each requirement.

Building requirements

The 2018.i version of CYPEFIRE Design includes the definition of the following Building requirements (General options > Configuration of the building):

  • Minimum manoeuvre spaces
    Minimum number of manoeuvre spaces that must exist in the project.
  • Maximum separation between the dry standpipe and the closest hydrant