Update history​


New types of ERP projects: S, T, U and V

Amongst the types of projects of the Moroccan code (Règlement de sécurité contre les risques d’incendie et de panique dans les constructions) that can be solved by the program, the following types of projects have been added for “Établissements recevant du public (ERP)”:

  • Établissements recevant du public: Bibliothèques, centres de documentation (Type S).
  • Établissements recevant du public: Salles d’expositions (Type T).
  • Établissements recevant du public: Établissements sanitaires (Type U).
  • Établissements recevant du public: Établissements de culte (Type V).

Equipment properties

As of the 2018.g version of CYPEFIRE Design, the minimum requirements of the equipment in zones and risk zones can be defined.

Within the “Requirement configuration” menu, another menu “Properties of the equipment” has been added where users can select the classification of the equipment that will be required in the zone as well as its efficiency.

The properties can be defined in the requirements for the following equipment:

  • Extinguishers
    The type of extinguisher has to be defined (ABC powder, CO2, Pulverised water, etc.), mobility (portable or on wheels) and its minimum efficiency.

  • Fire hose reels
    The minimum diameter of the fire hose reel has to be defined.

  • Dry standpipe
    The minimum diameter of the dry standpipe and the minimum diameter of the outlet valve have to be defined.

  • Hydrant
    The diameters of the central inlet and lateral inlet have to be defined.

  • Alarm sirens
    The type of alarm siren has to be defined.

Equipment symbols

As of the 2018.g version, the symbols of the fire safety equipment of CYPEFIRE Design can be edited. Therefore, depending on the code that is used and the type of fire safety equipment, CYPEFIRE Design users can select amongst the symbols that have been implemented in the program for the following equipment:

  • Extinguishers
  • Fire hose reels
  • Hydrant
  • Dry standpipe
  • Detectors
  • Manual buttons
  • Fire alarm control panel
  • Alarm sirens

Evacuation origin and evacuation path

In the “Evacuation” section of the menu (top toolbar menu of the screen), the option: “Evacuation origins” has been added and the icon and introduction mode of the “Evacuation paths” have been modified.

  • Evacuation origins
    This option has been designed so users can assign the occupancy of the spaces to the evacuation paths without having to introduce the routes.

    It works in the same way as it did before “Evacuation paths”, i.e. by first selecting the space to be evacuated and then the route to which the occupancy is to be assigned.
  • Evacuation paths
    The tool has the same function as it did in previous versions, which is to assign the checks of an evacuation path to any evacuation route, only now to introduce it, users must only indicate the start on the evacuation path.

Evacuation routes

Bearing in mind that in the 2018.f version it is possible to define the occupancy of spaces, this version also includes a check of the width of the evacuation routes depending on the occupancy that can use it.

To carry out this check, users must define the minimum width of the evacuation route depending on the maximum occupancy it can receive. To do so, the tool: “Evacuation routes” has been implemented in the “Checks” section of the “General options” panel. In this dialogue box, users can define the:

  • Reference
  • Description
  • Width check
    If this check is activated, it is possible to define in a table, the minimum width of the evacuation route depending on the maximum occupancy. In the image, we can see how the evacuation route has a minimum width of 0.90 m for an occupancy of up to 100 people and a minimum width of 1.40 m for an occupancy of up to 300 people..

Space occupancy

One of the most important new features of the 2018.f version of CYPEFIRE Design is the possibility to define occupancy densities in the different space types.

In the “General adjustments” section of the “General options” panel, a button has been added that allows users to access the “Space occupancy” panel. Here, different types of occupancies for the spaces can easily be created with the necessary density requirements. Once these types have been created, the type of occupancy to be applied can be assigned to each type of space.

By defining the occupancy of the spaces, a greater level of detail can be reached in the design and analysis of the evacuation paths.

Risk zones

In the previous version (2018.e), checks of the “Risk zones” were added in the “Checks” section of the “General options” panel. The data that could be defined in the risk zone checks panel was their description and the fire resistance of the structure.

As of the 2018.f version, risk zones can have requirements as is already done for fire zones. Now, for risk zones, users can define the type of equipment that is necessary, the conditions when it is required and a description of the code with its title and description.

New types of ERP projects: N, O, P and R

Added to the types of projects of the Moroccan code “Règlement de sécurité contre les risques d’incendie et de panique dans les constructions” are the following types of projects for “Établissements recevant du public (ERP)”:

  • Restaurants et débits de boissons (Type N).
  • Hôtels et pensions de famille (Type O).
  • Salles de danse et salles de jeux (Type P).
  • Établissements d’éveil, d’enseignement, de formation, centres de loisirs sans hébergement (Type R).

Program installation languages

In previous versions, CYPEFIRE Design could only be installed in French. As of the 2018.f version, it can also be installed in English, Portuguese and Italian. Please recall that CYPEFIRE Design can only be downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform.

With the implementation of the new features of this version, CYPEFIRE Design can be used by any user to resolve his/her fire safety projects, and apply the limits and checks to be carried out.

Open BIM workflow

Export the fire resistance of the structure to the BIM model

As of the 2018.e version, CYPEFIRE Design exports the fire resistance information of the structure to the BIM model (requirement reference and minimum required fire resistance period of each space). This data can be read by structure programs that can import BIM models such as CYPECAD.

Based on the information of each space, CYPEFIRE Design generates a fire resistance zone that can be exported to the BIM model. When CYPECAD imports the information of the BIM model, it automatically activates the “Check fire resistance” option. Spaces which do not contain fire resistance information generate a “Without fire resistance check” zone.

In CYPEFIRE Design, users can edit the fire resistance period of the structure in the “Adjustments” panel (General options > General adjustments). Within this panel, a minimum resistance period can be associated to each fire resistance denomination of the code. Then, a minimum fire resistance period can be associated to each type of zone or risk zone.

Export sectors which require sprinklers to be installed to the BIM model

As of the 2018.e version, CYPEFIRE Design can export to the BIM model, the requirement to include a sprinkler system installation in zones or sectors that have been created. CYPEFIRE Sprinklers can read this information in the IFC file created by CYPEFIRE Design in the BIM model.

Import glazed openings from the BIM model

Windows defined in the architectonic model of the BIM project can be imported by CYPEFIRE Design. This not only helps users to understand the architectonic model on the program interface but also helps to adequately introduce safety installations and, in upcoming versions, the automatic resolution of checks to avoid external propagation.

Protection installations

The 2018.e version of CYPEFIRE Design includes a new fire protection element: “Fire alarm control panels”. Also in this version, the requirements of “Alarm buttons” are defined separately.

Detection centres

The detection centres control all the signals the detectors receive and commands the alarm system.

Their definition is very simple. Users must only indicate their reference and a description of the elements that make up the detection centre.

Alarm buttons

Alarm buttons (or manual buttons) already existed in CYPEFIRE Design, but the limits as of which they had to be placed, were defined together with automatic fire detectors (Detection systems). As of the 2018.e version, the limits for these alarm buttons are defined separately and no longer together with the automatic fire detectors.

Firefighter access

A new section “Accessibility” has been implemented in the top toolbar regarding the accessibility options for firefighters. This section contains two tools:

  • Access road
    The “Access road” for firefighters is a simple graphical tool, designed to comply with the requirements prescribed for these routes. By introducing the basic input data (free width, width of the road and length of the road), it is possible to quickly check if the surrounding elements of the project are valid.
  • Manoeuvre space
    The “Manoeuvre space” is also a graphical tool with which users can define the manoeuvre space the fire truck has to reach the access points of the building. The following checks are carried out:
    • Minimum free width
    • Length