Update history​


Improved data entry when the EN 12831 code is applied

The program allows users to select the infiltration analysis according to the EN 12831 code in the definition of the type of space.

When the selected analysis method for heating thermal loads is the EN 12831 code, the program considers the parameters defined in the "Calculation options" panel to analyse the flow rate due to infiltrations.

A wizard has also been added to make it easier to define the "Re-heating factor" parameter.

Curtain walls

Curtain wall systems can now be defined. To do this, the "Curtain wall" option is included in the elements library, which allows users to enter the thermal properties of the "Glazed fraction" and the "Opaque fraction" of a wall, in a similar way to the definition carried out for windows.

New "Drawings" tab

The "Drawings" tab has been included in the program. In this tab, users can create and edit the drawings of the thermal envelope used for each of the loadcases designed in the project.

Redesign of the "Thermal model" and "Thermal loads" tabs

The "Thermal model" (called "Building" in previous versions) and "Thermal loads" tabs have been redesigned to improve user experience when defining and maintaining the building thermal model, as well as when analysing the results.

  • “Thermal model” tab
    Users can work on the 3D model of the building, so the elements within it can be selected, with no need to locate them on the tree diagram on the left-hand side.

    Work on the building definition tree has also been improved by creating a more dynamic library system. Furthermore, each element can be modified individually, with no need to create new elements in the library.
  • “Thermal loads” tab
    Users can also interact with the 3D model of the building here, meaning that the analysis of the results for each element is quicker and more intuitive.

    Furthermore, the graphical analysis of the results has been added with the possibility of establishing analysis ranges. This allows the desired results to be displayed on the 3D model of the building.

Open BIM Analytical Model integration

As of version 2023.d, CYPETHERM LOADS now includes all the Open BIM Analytical Model tools in its new "Analytical model" tab, allowing the analytical model of the building to be created and managed in CYPETHERM LOADS itself.

Graphical editing of the reference system of the model

Since version 2022.a, the applications integrated within the Open BIM workflow via the BIMserver.center platform include a tool for managing project reference systems. This option is available from the configuration window that appears when linking or updating a BIMserver.center project via the "Geographic location and reference system" option. As of version 2023.d, the applications now allow users to run a graphical environment where they can visually define a reference system for their model. To do this, the "Geographic location and reference system" window now contains the "Visual editing of the local reference system of the model" option.

From the "Visual editing of the local reference system of the model" window, the origin and orientation of the reference system of the model can be indicated in the workspace with the "Define the reference system of the partial model" tool. Both the axes of the reference system of the model, which we have just entered and the axes of the reference system of the site can be viewed in the workspace. The latter appears with a "Site" tag.

To make it easier to define the reference system, the 3D models corresponding to the BIMserver.center project contributions selected during the linking process are displayed. The management of the visibility and object snaps of these models is carried out from the "Elements read" menu in the left sidebar of the window. The "Views" menu can also be found in the same options bar, from which different types of 2D and 3D views of the model can be generated. These tools can already be found in several CYPE applications. For more information on how they work, please refer to the User’s Manual for the 3D work environment tools available in CYPE applications.

Apart from 3D models, 2D drawings or plans can also be imported from CAD files (".dxf", ".dwg", ".dwf") or images (".jpeg", ".jpg", ".bmp", ".png", ".wmf", ".emf", ".pcx"). These files and object snaps are managed through the "DXF-DWG Template" and "Template object snaps" options accordingly.

Once the editing is complete, the coordinates and orientation of the reference system of the model with respect to the reference system of the site are moved to the corresponding fields in the "Geographic location and reference system" window.

Font size

The "Font size" option has been added to the general configuration menu of the applications. This tool allows users to increase or decrease the basic size of the font used in the user interface of the programs. Thanks to this implementation, the accessibility of the applications has been improved while also ensuring the correct visibility of the content on devices with different screen resolutions.

To enter a "Basic size" the "Set custom font size" option must be checked. The size users can enter is the application's basic font size. Any other font sizes that may exist in the program's interface will be automatically modified proportionally according to the change in the basic size.

It is important to note that, as this is a common parameter, its modification will affect all installed CYPE tools.

Latent heating load

As of version 2022.b of CYPETHERM LOADS, users can activate or deactivate the latent loads calculation from the “Calculation options” menu for calculating thermal heating loads.

Load report

In version 2022.b of CYPETHERM LOADS, new report options have been added in the thermal loads tab, thus providing easier access to the thermal load results report for each loadcase and their areas (graphs can also be included in each one) as well as their additional reports.

Clip volume

As of version 2022.b, applications with 3D drawing surroundings allow a viewing volume to be defined from the geometric envelope of the scene content. The arrows allow the viewing volume to be adjusted by moving their faces and the arches allow the viewing volume to be adjusted by means of 6 clips planes.

Generation of climate data based on design conditions

With this new data import assistant, users can generate the total climatic data requested by the program which is required for analysing thermal loads, based on main location data (design conditions).

This new feature is added to the existing feature of importing data based on the ASHRAE climatic database (ASHRAE Weather Data Viewer 6.0).

Additionally, to facilitate the introduction of these minimum design conditions, an assistant has been implemented to allow them to be imported from the location selected on a map, a feature available for locations in Spain, France and Portugal.

Importing construction systems by Grupo Valero

In the previous version (2021.f), the CYPE Construction Systems and CYPETHERM LOADS programs included the option of importing insulation from the manufacturer Grupo Valero to act as layers of the construction systems defined in these programs.

Now, in version 2022.a of the same programs, complete construction systems offered by the manufacturer Grupo Valero can be imported, including the products in their insulation catalogue. These systems can be imported using the icon displaying the Grupo Valero logo in the CYPE Construction Systems and CYPETHERM LOADS applications. Depending on the type of construction system to be defined, the corresponding group of products is shown: external walls, roofs, slabs between floors or floors in contact with the ground.

The components that appear in Grupo Valero’s construction solutions catalogue have been divided according to the climate zone where the project is located. Consequently, users must indicate this information before choosing the most appropriate solution. The selection panel shows the layers of the materials of which it is composed and their total thickness along with the system reference in order to facilitate this choice.

It is important to note that if the construction systems are defined in CYPE Construction Systems, it will not be necessary to reassign them in the thermal study applications as the information is transmitted via the Open BIM workflow.

Although Grupo Valero icons can be found in all the languages in which the aforementioned applications are installed, the manufacturer’s construction systems shown correspond to the products supplied by Grupo Valero in Spain.