Update history​

Open BIM Analytical Model

Improved precision in the algorithm for automatically generating analytical models

There has been an improvement in the algorithm for automatically generating analytical models mainly in the following areas:

  • The problem that prevented updating the properties of the analytical model's spaces (surface area, volume...) when they were modified in the physical model has been corrected.
  • An improvement has been made to the process of detecting surfaces in the analytical model using the physical model's spaces and constructive elements.
  • An improvement has been made for linking analytical model surfaces generated with the same properties.

Improved object snaps in spaces

There has been an improvement for object snaps in volumes matching the spaces of the physical model. In previous versions, some points in spaces containing complex 3D geometries could not be snapped correctly when entering analytical model elements such as surfaces or edges.

Outside reveal depths of doors and windows

The "Outside reveal depth" field has been added for defining surfaces in the analytical model for opening elements such as doors and windows. This amount can be used by thermal simulation applications.

The outside reveal depth of the door or window is entered from the external surface of the construction element.

Improved accuracy of the algorithm for the automatic generation of the analytical model

The algorithm that automatically determines the analytical model of the building from the architectural model has been improved. Amongst the adjustments that have been carried out, the level of precision in the detection of surfaces in small rooms has been increased and the analysis of shading elements with complex geometries has been improved.

This optimisation represents an increase in the quality of the information that CYPE's Open BIM applications for thermal and acoustic analysis can read.

View the shading elements of the physical model

The element groups "Own shadows" and "Remote shadows" of the physical model have been added to the object snap options of the application. This way, it is now possible to view and snap to them in order to define their derived surfaces in the analytical model of the building.

View the spaces of the physical model

The "Spaces" of the physical model have been added to the object snap options of the application. This way, it is now possible to view and snap to the 3D outlines of architectural spaces in order to define their surfaces and derived edges in the analytical model of the building. It should be noted that the surfaces that make up the outline are used by the automatic generation process of the analytical model. Consequently, thanks to this implementation, users can verify that they are defined correctly before executing the task.

"Delete opening" tool

The option "Delete opening" has been added within the "Elements" group of the application toolbar. Thanks to this new tool, it is now possible, to eliminate openings that are associated with surfaces of the analytical model, graphically on the work area. In previous versions, the only alternative was to delete the openings by manually editing the BIM model of the project (Project> BIM Model).

Assign shading elements to the components of the physical model

As of the 2021.c version, using the "Edit template" tool, users can modify the typology of a component of the physical model in order to indicate whether it acts as "Own shadow" or "Remote shadow". This is especially important when executing the automatic generation process of the analytical model since it needs to know which elements produce shading in order to include their derived surfaces in the shading group.

Application manual

The 2021.a version of Open BIM Analytical Model includes the application manual.

Preservation of the space groups

As of the 2020.f version, Open BIM Analytical Model maintains the space groups after analysing the analytical model using the automatic method. This way, users’ acts on the application are respected and several analyses can be carried out without re-entering the generated spaces in their corresponding groups.

Improved precision of the algorithm for the automatic generation of the analytical model

The algorithm that automatically determines the analytical model of the building based on the architectural model. Amongst the adjustments that have been carried out is the increase of the level of precision in the detection of openings on surfaces and in the generation of the connections of construction elements.

This optimisation implies an increase in the quality of the information that can be read by CYPE thermal and sound analysis Open BIM applications.

3D workspace user guide

Some CYPE OPEN BIM programs have a 3D workspace to enter the elements of the installation. This 3D interface is currently available in the following applications:

  • Open BIM Analytical Model
  • CYPE Construction Systems
  • Open BIM Model Checker
  • Open BIM Vertical Connections
  • CYPE Lightning
  • CYPEHVAC Ductwork
  • Open BIM RenoZEB - Focchi Facades
  • Open BIM UNEX
  • CYPELEC PV Systems

A user guide for the tools of this 3D workspace is published with the 2020.f version.

Download it here: 3D workspace. 3D workspace tools user guide.