Update history​

StruBIM Steel

New operation. Contact relationship

In version 2025.b the new "Contact relationship" operation has been implemented. This operation defines contact relationships between steel surfaces or between steel surfaces and concrete elements.

When bolting plates together, the program already establishes these contact relationships automatically, as when anchoring a plate to a concrete element. This new operation can also be carried out without the need to add bolts or anchors. In the design model, non-linear relationships are established between the nodes of the mesh of the plates, which only work in compression.

This operation is represented in the 3D view by a green surface between the elements selected in the operation. When selecting contact between a plate and a concrete element, users will be allowed to select an existing concrete element or a new element defined in this operation.

Code implementation

Version 2025.b of CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel includes the implementation of many new codes. In the “Implementing codes and improving their enforcement” section of the new features in version 2025.b, you can consult the standards included in all CYPE programs in this version.

In CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel, the following have been included:

  • Concrete structures (for checking anchorages in concrete)
    • CSA A23.3-14 (Canada)
  • Rolled and reinforced steel structures (for checking bolted and welded steel connections)
    • National annexes for Eurocode 3 (EN 1993)
      • SLS EN 1993-1-8:2017/NA (Slovakia)
      • MSZ EN 1993-1-8:2012/NA:2019 (Hungary)
    • ECS-ASD:2001 (Egypt)
    • NSR-10 (Colombia)
    • NTC-2018 (Italy)
    • NTC-2023 (Mexico CDMX)
    • SNI 1729:2020 (Indonesia)

Connection to BIMserver.center

There is now an additional option in the main CYPE Menu window to “Log in” to BIMserver.center.

This way, downloaded applications also appear in the user's account on the BIMserver.center platform.

Changes to the applications available from the menu

The following modifications have been made to the availability of the applications from the CYPE Menu.


  • CYPEHVAC Schematics

  • ELODIE by CYPE (Only in the CYPE Menu in French)


  • CYPELEC Core, CYPELEC REBT, CYPELEC NF and CYPELEC RETIE. They are joined together in a single program called CYPELEC.


  • CYPEURBAN. Available for download and installation from the BIMserver.center platform.

  • IFC Uploader. New contributions can now be created directly from the project page on the BIMserver.center platform.

  • CYPEFIRE FDS Viewer. CYPEFIRE FDS can be used to view FDS simulations.

Updating all the applications

The "Updates" option has been implemented in the main CYPE Menu window. Thanks to this tool, multiple updates of installed applications can be carried out via the CYPE Menu.

When clicking on the “Updates” option, a window opens with a list of all installed applications. Select a set of them and, after clicking "Accept", the update process will start.

During this process, progress is displayed in the main CYPE Menu window indicating the current status of the update.

If an update is available for the CYPE Menu itself, it is shown below the list of applications to be updated. However, it is important to note that the update of the CYPE Menu is carried out on its own.

This new feature makes application maintenance easier, ensuring that the latest improvements are always available.

Implementation. CSA A23.3-14 (Canada)

Canadian Standards Association: A23.3-14 Design of concrete structures.

Implemented in CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel for checking anchorages to be used in concrete.

Improved use of data entry tables

Up until version 2025.a, in order to paste information from the clipboard into the data entry tables, these tables needed to have several rows greater than or equal to that of the source table to be pasted. Therefore, only the information in the rows of the table was copied, without adding new ones.

As of version 2025.a, when pasting tables from the clipboard, if the number of rows of the source table is larger, the number of rows needed to paste the whole table will be created.

Improved operations list

Version 2025.a includes the following options and improvements to the operations tree:

Drag and drop
This feature allows users to select, move and drop operations or groups of operations to another position. With this new tool, an operation can be moved to the desired position without having to go through the intermediate positions one by one.

The operations list includes an identifying icon for each operation in the list.

Move to the top
Moves the selected operation or group to the top of the list.

Move to the end
Moves the selected operation or group to the end of the list.

Allows users to search for operations by text.

Delete all the elements in the list
Deletes all operations and groups of operations from the list.

Groups of operations

As of version 2025.a, the CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel connection editors allow users to sort the list of operations including groups of operations.

In the operation list options bar, there is a "New group" option for adding groups. This option adds a new empty operation group.

When a group is selected, new operations are added within that group.

To move an existing operation into or out of a group, the tools must be used to move it up or down, depending on the position. Operations can also be dragged and dropped into or out of a group.

Groups of operations can be collapsed or expanded, to display or hide the operations they contain.

The activate or deactivate option, located to the left of each group's name, affects all the operations it includes. A group of operations can be activated or deactivated by clicking on the option.

Pressing the "Copy" option with a group selected copies the group with all its operations.

The "Delete" option allows users to delete the group and all the operations it contains, or to delete the group and keep the operations ungrouped.

If a group is selected, the "Export selected operations to the library" option exports all the operations contained in that group.

Link to the project owner's public profile on BIMserver.center

Now, from the BIMserver.center project information window (displayed by clicking on the project name visible in the top right bar of the application), the owner's public profile page can be accessed on the BIMserver.center platform via the link inserted in the text representing the owner's name.

Element selection tool. Copy multiple times

As of version 2025.a, it is now possible to copy ("Ctrl+C") a group of elements and paste ("Ctrl+V") them in several places with the selection tool. In previous versions, the elements selected for copying could only be pasted once.

The "Element selection" tool was implemented in version 2021.e.

Improved options bar for entering elements in the work area

The following changes have been made to the options bar for entering elements in the work area:

  • New “Force elevation” feature
    The "2D Mode" and "3D Mode" options have been replaced by the "Force elevation" option. When the "Force dimension" option is activated, when snapping a model component, its position will be projected onto the work plane, where the new element will be inserted.
    Alternatively, when snapping a model component, the new element will be inserted at the exact position of that component, even if it is outside the working plane.

  • Viewing limits warning
    If, when entering an element in a model view, it lies beyond the visible range, a warning is now displayed in the options bar. This warning, "The point entered is beyond the limits of the view", alerts users about the position of the element beyond the visible area on the screen, allowing for a quick and accurate correction.