Associated programs

Space import assistant

The BIM model's space import assistant automates the definition of computable and habitable surfaces.

This assistant has tools for filtering the spaces (IfcSpace) of any IFC model based on their properties and associating them with useful surfaces or built surfaces. This assignment also allows the subtype of the surface to be specified. For net floor areas, one of the uses contemplated in the selected urban regulations can be selected, and for built surfaces, one of the user-defined computation coefficients can be specified.

The import tables defined in the assistant can be saved as libraries to be imported into other CYPEURBAN projects. Therefore, users can make the import of net floor areas and built surfaces completely automatic after the first import, regardless of the BIM tool used to create the building model. These libraries will be valid even for importing BIM models from different applications, as long as the same nomenclature criteria are followed for all files.