Associated programs

Workflows supported by the program

As IFC Builder is an Open BIM tool that is connected to the platform, it offers different workflow options.

Data entry

Free modelling / with templates

  • Defining the architectural elements of the building by freely entering them into IFC Builder.
  • Defining the architectural elements of the building in IFC Builder from DXF-DWG, DWF templates or images (.jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .wmf).

Automatic entry: importing IFC format models

  • Importing the model in IFC format with the geometry of a building. This allows users to generate the floor plan of the building and the geometry of walls and partitions, floor slabs and openings (such as windows and doors).

Data output

  • Exporting the building model in IFC format.
  • Exporting the information generated with IFC Builder to the platform. This allows authorised project participants to view and export the building geometry to different programs such as CYPECAD, CYPETHERM EPlus, CYPEPLUMBING Sanitary Systems, CYPEPLUMBING Water Systems, CYPELEC Electrical Mechanisms, CYPELEC Distribution, CYPEGAS, CYPEHVAC, CYPEHVAC Radiant Floor, CYPEHVAC Ductwork, CYPELUX, CYPEFIRE and CYPETEL Wireless, among others.