Associated programs

Bills of quantities included in the BIM model

The Open BIM workflow via the platform allows different professionals to work in their respective disciplines, both in the design phase and in the development of the bill of quantities.

Several CYPE programs already natively include an assistant for generating quantities and cost estimations from the developed BIM model. This assistant is presented as a special tab, "Bill of quantities".

More information:
For more information on the "Bill of quantities" tab of the CYPE programs, please click on this link.

Through the "Bills of quantities included in the BIM project" section, available in the "Quantities of the BIM model" tab of Open BIM Quantities, and thanks to the transmission of information between programs using the BC3 format, the work sections of a bill of quantities generated in other CYPE programs can also be included in the final bill of quantities, so that all the data in the bill of quantities will be consolidated in a single place.