Manually editing the bill of quantities

The bill of quantities can be modified manually either from the "Edit" group in the top toolbar of the "Bill of quantities" tab or from the menu that appears by right-clicking on the structure in the main window.
Adding work sections
To add a new work section, click on "Add work section". To create a new sub work section, click on the header of an existing work section, enter a "Code" and a "Summary" and click "Accept". The work section will be created in the default order and will be displayed in the main bill of quantities window. The displacement tools ("Displace upwards" or "Displace downwards") can be used to relocate the new work section in the structure. The data entered can also be modified from the bill of quantities sub-window.
Adding items
To add a new item, go to the header of the work section in which it is to be included and click on the "Add item" tool. Enter a code for the concept (the blue arrow allows an existing one to be used in the project database), and define a factor and a performance.
Adding quantity detail lines
To add new quantity detail lines, users must place themselves on the item they wish to include them in and select the "Add quantity detail line" tool. In the pop-up window, then select "Quantities", so that the detail line is of this specific type, and add a comment and tags. The quantity values in the four available fields (A, B, C and D) are also filled in and renamed if necessary. By default, the program operates by multiplying the values of these four fields and ignores values equal to zero. Additionally, the unique identifier (GUID) corresponding to the element being linked can be associated to the BIM model and can be consulted in the "Quantities of the BIM model" tab.
If a quantity detail line of type "Partial subtotal" or "Accumulated subtotal" is added, the quantities resulting from the previous quantity detail lines shall be added partially or accumulatively, respectively. If the "Expression" type is selected, a formula may be entered which operates on the quantity detail lines below it, using the quantity values (A, B, C and D).
Other useful tools
As well as creating concepts, the other tools allow us to copy, delete or use the clipboard tools on any existing concept ("Copy", "Cut" and "Paste"). The "Copy" tool appears twice with a different icon. One of them allows users to duplicate work sections, items and breakdown concepts, and the other one works in the same way as the "CTRL+C" command, which needs "Paste" in order to appear in the bill of quantities structure.
Another useful tool is "Sort tree", which allows users to sort the bill of quantities by work sections or by items.