
Module code


Associated programs
Modules required for installation:

Quantities using DXF-DWG

With the “Quantities using DXF-DWG” module, quantity lines can be obtained from DXF, DWG or compatible image files (JPG, PNG, etc.) in Arquimedes. It is possible to measure the quantities of the counting tool, linear length, polygonal length, circular perimeter, rectangular surface, polygonal surface, etc.

This module also allows users to import quantities acquired in the CAD programs Allplan®, ArchiCAD® and +Extended® (AutoARQ).

The quantities tables resulting from the import of these programs may contain multiple quantity lines of the same element. Arquimedes allows users to group these quantity lines according to the dimensions of the elements they represent. For example, all quantities extracted by Allplan® of a wall-type element of the same height and width can be grouped together in a single quantity line. This allows a significant reduction in the total number of quantity detail lines. The program has several predefined grouping conditions. New grouping rules can also be created, to group the lines of the quantity tables according to user-defined criteria.

Other features

The features of the basic version of Arquimedes can be enhanced by adding any of the modules listed on the “Archimedes modules” page to the user license.