Associated programs


StruBIM Rebar provides results in the form of reports, drawings, a BIM model in IFC and the export of information to the BIM project hosted on the platform.

  • Reports
    The program generates the detailing report of the elements of the project.
  • Drawings
    The drawings that are generated by “StruBIM Rebar” include the views that have been created by users.
  • Export in IFC format
    StruBIM Rebar allows the 3D model to be exported in IFC format.
  • Export in BVBS format
    StruBIM Rebar allows the 3D model to be exported in BVBS format. The export can be performed for the complete model as well as for each detailing element.
Detailing reports
Detailed 3D model, which can be integrated into the project via the platform
Drawings with user-created views
Retaining structure designed in StruBIM Embedded Walls and detailed in StruBIM Rebar
IFC BIM model generated by StruBIM Rebar and opened in the BIMvision IFC viewer