
Module code


Associated programs

Check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788

The "Check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788" module is used to check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788 in CYPETHERM EPlus and CYPETHERM HYGRO.

With the permission for this module, users are free to choose either program to check the building elements for condensation, depending on their interests and needs.

CND module in CYPETHERM EPlus

The "Check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788" module is used to check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788 in CYPETHERM EPlus.

When using CYPETHERM EPlus, users can import a geometric model created in other technologies by linking it to a project. Then, the necessary data is configured in the program to be able to carry out the energy simulation of the building.

The condensation check is automatically performed on all elements of the thermal envelope if the corresponding option in the general parameters is activated. The program warns users about the presence of condensation in the elements where it occurs and provides a complete list of the analyses performed.

Detailed information about the different features of CYPETHERM EPlus can be found on this page.


To be able to use CYPETHERM HYGRO, users must have the "Check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788" module in the user license.

When using CYPETHERM HYGRO, users can import building solutions defined in other technologies by linking them to a project or define the building solution directly in the program interface. Then, the data required to check for surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788 is configured in the program.

Detailed information about CYPETHERM HYGRO can be found on this page.