Associated programs

Defining the supply of the fire extinguishing installation

Within the "Installation" tab, in the "Supply" group of the main toolbar, the elements that make up the supply of the hydraulic fire extinguishing system can be defined and entered:


Enters a tank to act as the initial supply point for the installation.

When entering or editing a tank, the following parameters can be configured:

  • Reference
    Tank reference.
  • Capacity
    Defines the capacity of the tank by entering the volume value directly or by indicating its dimensions.
    • By volume (Volume)
    • By dimensions (Radius, Height)
  • Refill flow (optional)
    The refill flow rate reduces the volume required to supply the installation. In this way, a tank with reduced capacity can be simulated.

After the analysis, the program also displays the checks carried out on the tank in its editing panel, as well as the possibility of designing the tank with the tool available in the lower right-hand corner to comply with these checks.

The minimum water supply time can be defined for each type of space under "General options" in the "Project" group of the top toolbar.

To increase the network pressure, a "Booster set" can be inserted downstream of the tank with the corresponding option in the "Supply" group.

Supply connection

Enters a connection into the public network to act as the initial supply point for the installation.

When entering or editing a public network connection, the following parameters can be configured, which can be evaluated by specific tests and which describe the capacity of the network:

  • Reference
    Supply connection reference.
  • Static pressure
    Value of the supply pressure measured with the fluid at rest.
  • Residual pressure
    Value of the pressure in the supply connection measured at the residual flow rate of flowing water.
  • Residual flow
    Water flow sustained by the public network while maintaining the indicated residual pressure.

Booster set

Enters a booster set into the installation

When entering or editing a pressure group, the following parameters can be configured:

  • Reference
    Booster set reference.
  • Catalogue / Selection
    The program allows users to select a booster set from "Manufacturer catalogues", if available, or from the "Generic elements library" using the wizard available on the right. These types of elements can be created and edited from the "Catalogue management" and "Generic elements library" options, respectively, within the "Project" group.