CYPE’s Director of Development, Ángel Herrero, participated in the 26th episode of the BIMpodcast (in Spanish) where he explained the internal development work and the company´s philosophy with regards to BIM methodology. In this respect, he explains that the aim of CYPE is for the user to always obtain competitive advantages with the new applications by the brand, both in terms of profitability of the work and the visualisation of the results, taking advantage of the new opportunities generated by these new technologies.
“For us, BIM means the industrialisation of construction”, emphasises Ángel Herrero, who indicates that “professionals want buildings to be manufactured instead of built”. Something that for the Director of Development is feasible because the technology exists and for which “we are exploring workflows that facilitate this much-desired industrialisation of the sector”.

“We think that it is very important to provide specialists with specific tools where there are no areas that could confuse them, especially in a sector like ours where there is public liability”
— Ángel Herrero Castaño
Director of Development at CYPE
To achieve the most suitable workflows, CYPE takes into account, thanks to its extensive experience in the development of technical software for different disciplines, the needs of the technicians themselves, which are contributing to the development of tools for each discipline in order to achieve greater efficiency and coordination between different construction professionals using a platform such as
With regards to his vision of the future and being aware that the majority of technicians in the sector still work in CAD, CYPE’s Director of Development envisages that the sector will end up introducing BIM technology as long as it is user-friendly, facilitates work and allows transformative results to be obtained in the sector. This is a task of prescription in which it is important to advance little by little, demonstrating to technicians that the new solutions can allow them to work better and introduce the technological and teamwork changes so necessary in architecture, engineering and construction today.
"The future we all want to arrive at is one where we have very precise models so that the errors made in construction works are reduced and, of course, make our sector into a much more technological one. From my point of view, the trend towards teamwork and effectively working in the cloud with precision models is unstoppable", states Ángel Herrero.
The importance of precision models
To achieve the industrialisation of construction it is essential to work with very precise models. This is where another of CYPE’s major developments originates from Open BIM Systems. In this regard, Ángel Herrero outlines in the interview that the Open BIM Systems “were born to fill a gap in the market and to truly achieve the industrialisation of construction”. These programs are post-design tools with which to achieve the “materialisation of moving from objects with requirements to real objects with data from manufacturers’ catalogues”.

“Thanks to the Open BIM Systems being designed to meet the requirements of a project, it is possible to make the much-needed connection between manufacturer databases and the manufacturers’ own requirements in a real project”, explains Ángel Herrero, who also anticipates that in the medium-term “all companies that produce equipment, services or construction materials will need Open BIM Systems, since the only way of creating a precision model is by having a manufacturers catalogue to hand, having access to the project’s requirements and using the manufacturer’s specialised tools”.

Incorporation of new technologies
The main tangible results of the use of BIM will be the attainment of greater precision in the modelling of buildings, which will allow the buildings to be designed with more quality and will also make possible the incorporation of new technologies into a sector that has been left behind with regards to others in the use of innovative solutions, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, visualisation of graphic models, etc. “I believe that in the future the form of communication between professionals will be digital and that BIM will help us”, indicates Ángel Herrero in the interview.
During the interview, Ángel Herrero highlights the importance of the fact that the ecosystem CYPE is creating incorporates technologies from the construction sector, but also from other sectors, such as the IT sector, which gives an added value to users that would otherwise not be possible or would be very complicated. He gives the example of the use of glTF formats, a standard from the IT industry that allows the projects stored on to be viewed in 3D and Augmented Reality.

“The use of this format has the advantage that everyone will see the same thing in the model, which is very important, since it guarantees the durability of the project results and this is something that other formats belonging to the construction industry do not provide, but that glTF does”
To conclude, Ángel Herrero spoke about the new CYPE Architecture program for 3D architectural modelling without geometric restrictions, which is available on our platform. This application is an evolution of IFC Builder and “is a strategic commitment by CYPE because we offer our users a powerful and free modeller”, thanks to which they can connect to other applications to prepare models to carry out energy simulation and the calculation of HVAC, bills of quantities, clash analysis, the extraction of plans and graphic documents, as well as the generation of reports without having to use third-party software.