

Associated programs

Application of the concrete and seismic codes of Argentina in CYPECAD (CIRSOC 201-2005, CIRSOC 103-1991, CIRSOC 103-2005 and CIRSOC 103-2008)

When users select the CIRSOC 201-2005 code (Reglamento Argentino de Estructuras de Hormigón) CYPECAD then allows for the following seismic codes to be selected:

  • CIRSOC 103-1991

Normas Argentinas para Construcción Sismorresistente. Reglamento CIRSOC 103 Parte I: Construcciones en general.

  • CIRSOC 103-2008

Normas Argentinas para Construcción Sismorresistente. Proyecto de Reglamento CIRSOC 103, Parte I: Construcciones en general.

The CIRSOC 103-2008 code is due to replace the CIRSOC 103-1991 code, which is still in force.

In both cases (and even though CIRSOC 103-1991 contains reinforcement ductility criteria), the reinforcement ductility criteria and capacity design criteria for seismic design of CIRSOC 103-2005 (Normas Argentinas para Construcción Sismorresistente. Parte II: Construcciones de Hormigón Armado) are applied. Capacity design criteria is a new feature of CIRSOC 103-2005 and this code is compulsory as of January 2013. The ductility criteria and capacity design criteria are justified in CYPECAD in the U.L.S. reports generated by its Advanced beam editor and column editor.

The CIRSOC 103-2005 seismic code combined with the CIRSOC 103-1991 or CIRSOC 103-2008 seismic codes, and the CIRSOC 201-2005 concrete codes are complex to apply. This, together with the absence of structural analysis programs that contemplate this code combination, has resulted, in many cases, in them not being applied correctly.

The 2013.l version of CYPECAD includes the implementation of the CIRSOC 103-1991 and CIRSOC 103-2008 seismic codes. Now, using the CIRSOC 201-2005 concrete code (combined with the CIRSOC 103-1991 and CIRSOC 103-2005 seismic codes, or the CIRSOC 103-2008 and CIRSOC 103-2005 seismic codes), CYPECAD becomes the first structural analysis program that contemplates analysis and design procedures using this code combination.

CYPECAD also allows users to select the revoked concrete code; CIRSOC 201-1982 (Proyecto, Cálculo y Ejecución de Estructuras de Hormigón Armado y Pretensado), and hence, be able to check projects which were designed in accordance with it.

Selection of CIRSOC 201-1982 only allows for the CIRSOC 103-1991 seismic code to be selected, together with its reinforcement ductility criteria.

In CYPECAD, the revoked CIRSOC 201-1982 code is not prepared for use with its advanced beam and column editors, and so, even though the program analyses and designs in accordance with that code, it does not generate Ultimate Limit State (U.L.S.) justification reports.