Normas Argentinas para Construcción Sismorresistente - Proyecto de Reglamento CIRSOC 103, Parte I: Construcciones en general.
The 2013.l version of CYPECAD includes the CIRSOC 103-2008 code (code that will substitute the CIRSOC 103-1991 code) to be used together with the CIRSOC 201-2005 concrete code (Reglamento Argentino de Estructuras de Hormigón).
The combination of CIRSOC 103-2008 or CIRSOC 103-1991 together with the CIRSOC 201-2005 concrete code implies the application of reinforcement ductility criteria and the capacity design criteria for seismic design indicated in the CIRSOC 130-2005 code (Normas Argentinas para Construcción Sismorresistente. Parte II: Construcciones de Hormigón Armado), whose application is compulsory as of January 2013. These criteria are justified in the U.L.S. reports generated by the Advanced beam editor and column editor of CYPECAD.