In version 2017.f, an add-on or plugin was included for AutoDesk© Revit software that makes it easier to include Revit in the Open BIM workflow. Since then, this plugin aims to improve communication between Revit and the platform, where CYPE's specialised tools are located.
Version 2023.e is a significant improvement in terms of the ability to manage the information contained in the IFC files used for model exchange. A revision of the CYPE software suite has been carried out to improve the quality of the information and classification of the objects contained in the IFC models. This information is provided by the plugin and its new mapper from IFC classes to Revit Categories. This mapper is contained in the new "IFC options" feature. "IFC Options" allows users to overwrite the import/export options set in the Revit configuration. In addition to overcoming several recognition limits of IFC classes and types, it allows object conversion to and from IFC to be customised and optimised. This optimises the BIM workflow of projects modelled in Revit and analysed with CYPE software, and focuses on the possible detailing models generated from the applications belonging to the manufacturer's systems.