CYPE has participated in this year’s International Exhibition of the Venice Biennale of Architecture with a presentation in which Pablo Gilabert, Director of Innovation, explained the benefits that BIM technology can offer to architects as it enables the massive management of project data and process automation, making their work more productive and allowing them to devote more time to creative design.
During the round-table discussion titled “(Digit) City from origin of problem to solution of problem” in which artificial intelligence, augmented reality, Big Data, automation and digitalisation were discussed, Pablo Gilabert stressed how architects face the challenge of integrating new technologies and the automation of tasks and processes, as has already been achieved in other industries, "without undermining the importance of creative design in the final result of any project".
In this sense, CYPE’s Director of Innovation, who is also an architect, stated that “Us architects must overcome our fear of integrating new technologies and take advantage of the benefits offered by data and its processing with algorithms to make projects more efficiently and with fewer errors”.
Therefore, Pablo Gilabert encouraged the public to embrace the use of BIM technology in their professional projects and to have all their information completely digitised in order to benefit from the advantages of working with tools that develop automatic analyses, verify codes and allow projects to be viewed in 3D or Augmented Reality.
In this respect, the expert gave an example of how Artificial Intelligence implemented in the BIMserver.center platform developed by CYPE, which manages 300,000 construction projects all over the world, "facilitates the early identification of problems in the planning, development and execution of any project, linking different areas of the project and resolving many of its technical aspects in an automated way". Thanks to this automation, architects develop projects with greater efficiency and safety.
He also pointed out that the platform’s AI can anticipate the designers’ needs, reducing project management time, predicting any needs and offering online solutions according to the phase or stage of the project. Pablo Gilabert explained that the platform can identify any pending workflows, as well as possible needs or errors according to the information incorporated in the project.
All of this, continued Pablo Gilabert, improves the quality of construction, to which the use of other technological resources must be added, such as viewing the project in Augmented Reality, which makes it possible to minimise problems in the inspection phase of the project by foreseeing problems in advance and, at the same time, to identify and implement the measures they need to adopt after the risk assessment in order to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon them by or under the relevant statutory provision.
Use in public administrations
Using BIM technology and applying algorithms with the data generated can also be implemented in public administration, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the architects who have to carry out procedures in this way. In this respect, Mr Gilabert gave an example of how the CYPEURBAN system makes it easier for administrations to review projects and integrate digital models into the digital urban context by verifying compliance with urban design codes.
The CYPEURBAN application is currently being used in the cities of Madrid and Rivas Vaciamadrid (Spain); in Rennes and its metropolitan area (France) or in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), among others, all of which are speeding up the granting of planning permissions.
To conclude, CYPE’s Director of Innovation emphasised that BIM technology and data management with digital open formats via platforms such as BIMserver.center, allow their data to be linked to other tools, expanding their possibilities and offering “The correct management and maintenance of a building’s life cycle”, among other advantages.