Update history​

Open BIM Layout

Section depth editing

Up until version 2023.d, section depth could not be edited. Therefore, the scene was displayed from the position of the section line to the end.

As of version 2023.d, the depth can be edited. This way, parts of the scene that are not relevant to the section drawing can be omitted.

Angle dimensioning

The dimensioning tool "Angle by vertex and 2 points" has been implemented. This tool allows angles to be dimensioned using 3 points. First, the angle's vertex must be selected, followed by a point on each side.

Continuous dimensioning

A new dimensioning tool has been added. This tool allows more than one section to be continuously dimensioned. This type of dimensioning allows the "Relative distance", the "Accumulated distance" or the "Relative and accumulated distances" to be displayed.

Drawing hidden lines

Hidden lines can now be drawn in scenes. Users can select the categories of elements that generate hidden lines in each scene from the editing panel of the "Vectorization" option.

The dialogue box for editing the drawing style of the hidden lines can be accessed from the "3D Scene" tool > "Drawing attributes" option.

New scene drawing modes: "Vector image" and "Hybrid image"

In previous versions, the Open BIM Layout, StruBIM Steel and CYPE Connect programs had the following scene drawing modes: "Normal image" and "Monochrome image". As of version 2023.d, two additional modes have been added:

  • Hybrid image
    Image with coloured elements and edge vectors.
  • Vector image
    Image without colour fill of the elements, with vector lines.

The type of image can be selected from the editing panel in each scene.

The following options can also be accessed from "Vectorization":

  • Generate polygons with infill in the cuts by planes
  • Generate segments at surface intersections
  • Speed up the vectorization process using the GPU

Font size

The "Font size" option has been added to the general configuration menu of the applications. This tool allows users to increase or decrease the basic size of the font used in the user interface of the programs. Thanks to this implementation, the accessibility of the applications has been improved while also ensuring the correct visibility of the content on devices with different screen resolutions.

To enter a "Basic size" the "Set custom font size" option must be checked. The size users can enter is the application's basic font size. Any other font sizes that may exist in the program's interface will be automatically modified proportionally according to the change in the basic size.

It is important to note that, as this is a common parameter, its modification will affect all installed CYPE tools.

New options bar for entering elements on the workspace

Since version 2020.f, applications with a 3D working environment include a floating toolbar to make it easier to enter or edit model components on the workspace. The options displayed in this toolbar depend on the active view and the element(s) being entered or edited.

This component is now anchored below the application toolbar. This makes better use of the available space in the user interface.

"Export BIM model" option in the connection between applications

As of version 2023.b, Open BIM applications that have a direct link to other tools include the "Export BIM model" option. This option, which is active by default, allows users to decide whether to export the job information produced from the source application before opening the target application.

The possibility to skip the export process saves a significant amount of time when continuing the workflow in several different programs without making changes to the source application. However, it is important to note that if this option is deactivated and changes have been made, they will not be shared in the BIMserver.center project.

Exporting in FBX format

Version 2023.a of all CYPE programs that have the "Print/Save the current view" tool (usually all programs that display graphic information in a window) allows any generated 3D model to be exported in FBX format. This is one of the most common and accepted formats among rendering software (Twinmotion, Enscape, Sketchup+Vray, among others).

Exportation in FBX format is found in the dialogue box that opens when selecting the "Print/Save the Current View" button in any of the programs that include this tool. This feature allows users to export any element that is visible in the current window at that moment in FBX format (as well as elements that have been imported from other programs).

Dimension style

Within the dimension styles, the type of unit (metres, centimetres, millimetres, feet or inches) can be indicated.

Automatic sheet composition

A new feature that allows users to automatically generate a composition of drawings from a selection of sheets. Each drawing is inserted as a link to the content of the corresponding original sheet.

Link sheet

This new feature allows the content of one sheet to be displayed within another. When linking the content, any changes made to the original sheet will be automatically updated in the sheet containing the link.