Base shear correction for seismic analysis using the dynamic analysis method
Certain seismic codes require the minimum basal shear condition to be fulfilled when applying the dynamic modal spectral method for seismic action analysis. The base shear check is implemented into CYPECAD and CYPE 3D for the following codes:
- 2009 IBC (USA)
- 2015 IBC (USA)
- 2011 PRBC (Puerto Rico)
- ASCE 7- 05 (USA)
- ASCE 7- 10 (USA)
- ASCE 7- 16 (USA)
- CFE 2008 (México)
- CFE 2015 (México)
- CIRSOC 103 - 2008 (Argentina)
- CIRSOC 103 - 2013 (Argentina)
- CIRSOC 103 - 2018 (Argentina)
- CHOC - 04 (Honduras)
- CHOC - 08 (Honduras)
- COVENIN 17561:2001 (Venezuela)
- CRP - 2003 (Puebla - México)
- GBDS - 2020 (Bolivia)
- IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 (India)
- IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016 (India)
- NBDS - 2023 (Bolivia)
- NBR 15421:2006 (Brasil)
- NC 46:1999 (Cuba)
- NC 46:2017 (Cuba)
- NCh433.Of1996 Mod.2009 (Dºnº61. de 2011) (Chile)
- NEC - 11 (Ecuador)
- NEC – SE – DS 2014 (Ecuador)
- Norma Técnica E.030 2003 (Perú)
- Norma Técnica E.030 2014 (Perú)
- NSCP 2015 (Filipinas)
- NSE - 10 (Guatemala)
- NSE - 18 (Guatemala)
- NSE - 18 (Actualización 2020) (Guatemala)
- NSR‑10 (Colombia)
- NSRM - 2021 (Managua - Nicaragua)
- NTC-2004 (Ciudad de México - México)
- NTC-2017 (Ciudad de México - México)
- NTC-2020 (Ciudad de México - México)
- NTC-2023 (Ciudad de México - México)
- NTC - 97 (Guadalajara - México)
- NTDS - 1997 (El Salvador)
- R-001 2011 (República Dominicana)
- REP - 04 (Panamá)
- REP - 2014 (Panamá)
- REP - 2021 (Panamá)
- RPA 99/v 2003 (Argelia)
- RNC - 07 (Nicaragua)
- RPS 2011 (Marruecos)
- RPS 2000 (Marruecos)
- SANS 10160-4:2011 (Sudáfrica)
- TBDY 2018 (Turquía)
More information: |
A wide range of codes included in CYPE's programs can be found at this link. |
The value of the total dynamic shear at the base (Vd), obtained after carrying out the modal combination (CQC), for any of the analysis directions, cannot be below a certain limit value. This value is a percentage (α) of the base shear of the structure analysed using the static method (Vs). Thus, the following condition should be met:
If the condition of the minimum shear base is not met, the results of the dynamic analysis must be adapted according to the following factor:
The adaption covers all dynamic analysis results, including displacements, distortions, forces in floors, shear floors, base shears and forces in elements.