Associated programs

Data input and output sequence for the design and verification of fire safety rules for a building

The design and verification of compliance with the fire safety rules of a building can be carried out in the program using the following input and output sequence:

  1. Creating a new job (from "File", "New").
  2. (Optional) Linking to, importing spaces by reference or type and assigning occupancy parameters.
  3. Revising the project's general options ("Project > General options"): importing codes or configuring applicable checks in a customised way.
  4. Defining types of fire protection equipment. This can be done in two additional ways:
    • Loading manufacturers' catalogues (from “Project”, “Catalogue management”).
    • Loading or manually entering the generic element libraries (from "Project", "General options", "Fire protection equipment").
  5. (Optional) Manually entering the spaces (from "Compartmentation", "Space") if they have not been read and generated from the BIM model.
  6. Creating compartments such as fire compartments, establishments, use units, stairways, risk rooms, protected lobbies and protected zones (from the "Compartmentation" or "Project", "BIM model").
  7. Assigning spaces to the compartments created (from "Compartmentation", "Assign").
  8. Defining outdoor propagation cases ("Outdoor propagation" group).
  9. Entering and marking out evacuation routes and evacuation origins ("Evacuation" group).
  10. Arranging fire protection equipment ("Equipment" group).
  11. Defining the elements describing the fire brigade intervention ("Intervention of firefighters" group).
  12. (Optional) Entering combustible elements and combustible building elements ("Fire loads" group).
  13. Analysing, checking and designing the elements in the model and consulting the results ("Analysis" group).
  14. (Optional) Managing and generating the bill of quantities ("Bill of quantities" tab).
  15. Obtaining reports and drawings (from "File", "Reports/Drawings").
  16. Exporting to (from "", "Share").