Data input and output sequence for the design and verification of fire safety rules for a building
The design and verification of compliance with the fire safety rules of a building can be carried out in the program using the following input and output sequence:
- Creating a new job (from "File", "New").
- (Optional) Linking to, importing spaces by reference or type and assigning occupancy parameters.
- Revising the project's general options ("Project > General options"): importing codes or configuring applicable checks in a customised way.
- Defining types of fire protection equipment. This can be done in two additional ways:
- Loading manufacturers' catalogues (from “Project”, “Catalogue management”).
- Loading or manually entering the generic element libraries (from "Project", "General options", "Fire protection equipment").
- (Optional) Manually entering the spaces (from "Compartmentation", "Space") if they have not been read and generated from the BIM model.
- Creating compartments such as fire compartments, establishments, use units, stairways, risk rooms, protected lobbies and protected zones (from the "Compartmentation" or "Project", "BIM model").
- Assigning spaces to the compartments created (from "Compartmentation", "Assign").
- Defining outdoor propagation cases ("Outdoor propagation" group).
- Entering and marking out evacuation routes and evacuation origins ("Evacuation" group).
- Arranging fire protection equipment ("Equipment" group).
- Defining the elements describing the fire brigade intervention ("Intervention of firefighters" group).
- (Optional) Entering combustible elements and combustible building elements ("Fire loads" group).
- Analysing, checking and designing the elements in the model and consulting the results ("Analysis" group).
- (Optional) Managing and generating the bill of quantities ("Bill of quantities" tab).
- Obtaining reports and drawings (from "File", "Reports/Drawings").
- Exporting to (from "", "Share").