Associated programs

PV system editing tools

In the “Photovoltaic installation” tab, the following options can be found in the “Edit” group of the main toolbar for editing the system:

The tools area in this group allows the following operations to be carried out:

EditEdits the parametric properties of the element selected in the model.
CopyCopies one or several elements.
Move a group of elementsMoves a group of elements.
MoveMoves an element or an element’s node.
Rotate a group of elementsRotates a group of elements.
RotateRotates an element about the "x", "y" or "z" axis.
Modify height positionModifies the height position of an element by specifying a relative displacement or absolute elevation.
DeleteDeletes a previously entered element.
MeasureMeasures lengths between defined points on the model. If a closed contour is selected, it also indicates the area.
AssignAssigns the parametric properties of the selected element to other elements.