Associated programs

Coordination between consumptions and discharges in water supply and evacuation systems

In the "Installation" tab within the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Consumption" group of the main toolbar, there is an option that can be used to coordinate consumption and discharges in the water supply and evacuation systems:

This feature is equivalent to the one found under the "Installation" tab of the "Sanitary Systems" tab in the "Discharges" group of the main toolbar:

Clicking on the option opens a window that displays a table with three columns:

  • Link
  • Consumptions
  • Discharges

The consumption associated with each discharge can be defined in the program by selecting it in each of the entries in the table. This way, when a consumption is entered in the "Water Systems" tab, the associated discharge is automatically entered in the "Sanitary Systems" tab, and vice versa, when a discharge is entered in the "Sanitary Systems" tab, the associated consumption is automatically entered in the "Water Systems" tab.

If the "Link" checkbox is ticked, the associated consumption and discharge will remain linked for editing operations such as moving them. Thus, moving the consumption will also move the discharge.

By default, toilets are loaded with the "Link" box deactivated, due to the difference in position in the space between the inlet and outlet for this type of unit.

With the "Configuration" option in the top right corner, the consumption and discharge settings for different countries or environments can be loaded automatically.