Associated programs

Defining the rainfall intensity in the water drainage system project

In the "Installation" tab of the "Sanitary Systems" tab, in the "General options" of the “Project” group of the main toolbar, there are options for defining the rainfall intensity of the water evacuation system:

Rainfall intensity

Defines the rainfall intensity at the project site by entering the following parameters:

  • City
  • Description 
  • Rainfall intensity
  • Correction factor of the surface area served (optional)
    This factor multiplies the surface area the drainage elements cover for the purpose of design by tables, which are defined from "Design and check options to be carried out", under "General options".

Using the options in the right column, these values can be imported from the predefined data for different countries and regions.

In some cases, users must select the "City" and specify the "Parameters to calculate the rainfall intensity", such as the selection of the "Isohyet", the "Service period" or the "Rainfall duration". Then, the values of the imported parameters can be modified, if desired.

The program obtains the flow of the "Drainage areas" entered with the corresponding option in the "Discharges" group from their projected area and the rainfall intensity defined in this section.