Associated programs

Snapping options for solar thermal systems

Within the "Installation" tab in the "Solar Systems" tab, the options that configure the snapping and adjust the display of the model elements are found in the "Snap options" panel, located by default on the left-hand side of the interface.

These options allow the following parameters to be set for all model views:

  • Element
    Element category reference.
  • Snap (optional)
    Activates or deactivates the snapping of the elements in the selected category.
  • Symbols (optional)
    Activates or deactivates the symbolic representation of the elements of the model.
  • 3D (optional)
    Activates or deactivates the three-dimensional or volumetric representation of the elements of the model.
  • Opacity
    Adjusts the opacity of the 3D representation of the elements by entering a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 100 (completely opaque).
Symbol representation

The categories of solar thermal system elements available for configuration are as follows:

  • Solar thermal collectors
  • Solar thermal collectors with accumulator tanks
  • Accumulator tanks
  • Heat exchangers
  • Fittings
  • Pumps
  • Pipes
3D representation