Associated programs

Terminal units. Heat recovery unit

This terminal unit represents a heat recovery unit in the thermal zone.

This type of terminal unit is independent and can be defined directly in the "Terminal units" section of each zone, and does not require users to enter an air conditioning system in the "Air conditioning systems" section.

Heat exchanger

  • Sensible effectiveness
  • Latent effectiveness (optional)
  • Advanced configuration
    • Heat exchanger type (Plate / Rotary)
    • Frost control type (None / Exhaust air recirculation / Exhaust only / Minimum exhaust temperature)


  • Specific power
  • Advanced configuration
    • Maximum air flow rate (optional)
    • Motor efficiency
    • Motor heat losses fraction in air stream
This unit contains two identical fans, one on the intake and one on the exhaust. Only the characteristics of one of the fans must be defined.
The unit drives the total ventilation airflow defined in the spaces of the zones to which it is connected. The electrical power of its fans is calculated according to this flow rate.

Outdoor air bypass

  • Maximum indoor temperature
  • Minimum outdoor temperature
The heat recovery unit has a bypass damper that allows outside air to pass through when it is beneficial for reducing the cooling requirements. To do this, the following conditions must be met:
- The indoor temperature is greater than the maximum indoor temperature.
- The outdoor temperature is greater than the minimum outdoor temperature.
- The outdoor temperature is less than the indoor temperature.