Associated programs

Defining nearby volumes

The "Nearby buildings and other obstacles" menu is located in the "Building elements" group of the main toolbar:

The options in this menu can be used to define volumes close to the building, such as other nearby buildings, which can later be considered in simulations carried out by other programs, especially due to the calculation of shadows cast by them.

The tool for entering nearby volumes is as follows:

  • Nearby buildings and other obstacles
    Allows users to enter a nearby volume to simulate the existence of a nearby building or other obstacle. The volume outline can be entered on any floor.

    This tool requires the definition of the following parameter:
    • Height
      Height of the volume with respect to the ground plane.

The program will generate a volume by extruding the contour entered on the plan with the defined height and supported on the base plan of the ground.

The tools for editing nearby volumes are as follows:

  • Edit
    Modifies the height of the selected volume.
  • Move
    Changes the plan layout of a nearby volume by modifying the position of the vertices of its outline.
  • Delete
    Deletes one or more selected volumes.