
Module code


Associated programs

Improvement measures

The "Improvement measures" module is used to carry out the energy audit of the building and the analysis of possible improvement measures, including the energy and economic analysis of the different alternatives, using CYPETHERM Improvements Plus and CYPETHERM Improvements.

By having the permission for this module, users can use either program depending on the orientation of each program and their interests and needs.

IMM module in CYPETHERM Improvements Plus

The "Improvement measures" module can be used with CYPETHERM Improvements Plus. This program was designed to be connected to the CYPETHERM programs with EnergyPlus™ analysis engine: CYPETHERM EPlus, CYPETHERM HE Plus and CYPETHERM SCE-CS Plus.

CYPETHERM Improvements Plus can be used to define the energy performance of the building in its initial situation and that obtained by applying each of the improvement measures, with their description and associated costs. This data can be imported from the aforementioned programs. This way, the energy balance of each situation and the energy and economic analysis of each of the improvement measures can be obtained, calculating the payback period for the investment by means of static or dynamic analysis methods (Net Present Value).

Detailed information about CYPETHERM Improvements Plus can be found on this page.

IMM module in CYPETHERM Improvements

The "Improvement measures" module can be used in CYPETHERM Improvements. This program is designed to connect to the CYPETHERM C.E. program in Italy, CYPETHERM REH in Portugal, CYPETHERM RT2012 and CYPETHERM RTExistant in France.

CYPETHERM Improvements can be used to define the energy performance of the building in its initial situation and that obtained by applying each of the improvement measures, with their description and associated costs. This data can be imported from the aforementioned programs. This way, the energy balance of each situation and the energy and economic analysis of each of the improvement measures can be obtained, calculating the payback period for the investment by means of static or dynamic analysis methods (Net Present Value).

Detailed information about CYPETHERM Improvements can be found on this page.