
Module code


Associated programs

Interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1

The "Interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1" module is used to carry out the interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1 to be carried out in CYPELUX and CYPELUX EN.

ILT module in CYPELUX

The "Interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1" module allows the requirements of EN 12464-1 to be imported into the "General parameters" of a CYPELUX project in order to carry out the indoor lighting check according to EN 12464-1 in this program.

When using CYPELUX EN, a geometric model made with other technologies can be imported by linking it to a project. Then, the necessary data is configured in the program and the lighting installations are entered in order to check the interior lighting in accordance with EN 12464-1.

Detailed information about CYPELUX can be found on this page.

ILT module in CYPELUX EN

The "Interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1" module allows users to carry out the interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1 in CYPELUX EN.

When using CYPELUX EN, a geometric model made with other technologies can be imported by linking it to a project. Then, the necessary data is configured in the program and the lighting installations are entered in order to check the interior lighting in accordance with EN 12464-1.

Detailed information about CYPELUX EN can be found on this page.