CYPE Architecture: flexibility and efficiency in BIM modelling


Our tool has a number of entry and spacing modes that make it easier for you to enter the elements

It has a wide range of building elements that you can use to design your project in an intuitive way

At CYPE we are aware that the transition from CAD to BIM technology is inevitable and it comes with many advantages. However, we understand that this change implies new workflows and new ways of designing, which can be a challenge for many professionals. In fact, one of the main challenges is the transition from 2D design to 3D modelling, which is characteristic of the BIM methodology.

To make this transition easier and help you make the most of its advantages, we have created CYPE Architecture. This solution combines several modelling methods, some even inspired by traditional CAD techniques, allowing you to gradually and efficiently adapt to this new technology. With CYPE Architecture, we aim to remove any barriers that may arise on your path to BIM adoption by offering you an intuitive and versatile solution.

Discover the flexibility offered by the entry modes

CYPE Architecture offers you a wide range of tools that optimise your creative process, adapting to different needs and levels of complexity in BIM modelling. For walls, for example, the main modelling methods are as follows:

By polyline

This method can be used to define a constant height for the wall and to easily draw its path. It is ideal for simple designs and, when used from a plan view, is quite similar to the way of drawing in CAD.

By points

With this option, walls with various geometries can be created, as long as they remain flat. In each wall plane, multiple vertices can be defined to form a closed polygon, which determines the final shape. This is especially useful for modelling irregular shapes and complex angles. This way, activating 3D views such as perspectives or 2D views such as section and elevations can significantly facilitate modelling.

Using sketch line

This method is similar to the "by polyline" method. It defines a height for the wall, but by selecting lines from a sketch previously created with the drawing tools available in the "Sketch" tab. This speeds up the process by reusing elements already drawn in previous phases of the project.

By surface area

This method makes use of the geometry of surfaces previously defined in a sketch. Just click on the reference surface, and the wall is automatically generated following its shape. It is especially useful in projects with complex geometries and in which a study of volumes and shapes using sketches has been previously carried out.

In addition to walls, our program can model other architectural and building elements using similar entry modes. Elements such as floors, roofs, curtain walls, railings, columns, beams and lattices have similar tools that ensure flexibility and accuracy in their design. These modes can easily model both simple and complex geometries.

Each building element in CYPE Architecture has different properties that you can customise and group together using types. You can also save these types in libraries and assign them to the modelled elements, which will allow you to work more efficiently and consistently in your projects at all times.

Editing curtain wall properties

Spaces, the key to a well-structured project

One of the most significant concepts that distinguishes BIM from CAD is the use of spaces as a key element in projects. This concept, which is not used in CAD, plays a fundamental role in the development of BIM models. Although this is a completely new approach, CYPE Architecture keeps it simple, offering a variety of methods for entering and managing spaces.

Different types of spaces can also be created by assigning a colour to each one of them so that they can be easily identified. The program can indicate whether the space is interior or exterior, and configure a wide range of tags to differentiate whether the spaces are habitable or non-habitable or to specify whether it is a wet or dry area, among others.

These parameters not only improve the organisation of your project but also facilitate interoperability with other programs in the CYPE suite, such as CYPEFIRE, CYPETHERM or CYPEPLUMBING, ensuring a more accurate design and analysis at all stages of the project.

Endless elements available

In terms of furniture, there are three types of libraries available to furnish your projects in a simple and realistic way.

Library of generic elements

This collection includes a wide variety of furniture, home appliances and sanitary appliances that can be easily customised.

Library of imported elements

This allows you to import and adjust objects in formats such as .ifc, .step and .obj. In addition, you can save your own elements in a particular library and reuse them in future projects.

Manufacturer catalogue

The program has real product catalogues so you can integrate manufacturer-specific furniture into your designs. This adds an extra level of realism and accuracy to your projects.

In addition to furniture, CYPE Architecture makes it easy to add other elements such as parking spaces, vegetation, and urban planning and accessibility elements. You can add them individually or multiple, and in some cases, configure their layout as perpendicular or parallel.

Ready to experience a new level of efficiency in your projects? Discover CYPE Architecture today and transform the way you design.

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Our tool has a number of entry and spacing modes that make it easier for you to enter the elements