"Bill of quantities" tab in Open BIM project phase applications
In the "Bill of quantities" tab, users have tools for generating and managing the bill of quantities of the system analysed by each program. Here, users can extract quantities in the model and generate real items based on this information. This process is carried out by means of a correspondence system between the elements measured on the analysis model and the bill of quantity concepts (mapping). This equivalence is stored in a local or network directory so that it can be progressively expanded and used in future projects.
Some of the applications integrated into the Open BIM workflow show the "Bill of quantities" tab in the toolbar. The Open BIM programs that currently have this tab are CYPEPLUMBING, CYPELEC, CYPEHVAC or CYPEFIRE, among others.
The "Bill of quantities" tab is also included in the Open BIM Quantities program. Unlike the rest of the applications that include this tab, Open BIM Quantities allows users to extract quantities from BIM models defined using the IFC standard (in the "Quantities of the BIM model" tab). Once the quantities have been extracted, the process to generate the bill of quantities in Open BIM Quantities is carried out in the "Bill of quantities" tab, in the same way as in the rest of the Open BIM applications that include this tab.

Cost databases
To make it easier to enter construction costs, both entire databases and individual concepts can be imported from cost databases that have been developed according to the FIEBDC-3 standard, such as the CYPE Cost Database.
Cost databases in CSV format can also be imported.
Mapping files
In most of the programs that include the "Bill of quantities" tab, a cost database and a mapping example for elements in the system have been included. It should be noted that this is just an example and that users will be able to create their own mappings and cost databases.
From the "Cost database", or from the "Project database", users can include information related to the "Specifications". The specifications can be imported or exported through a file BC3 (FIEBDC-3), so that they can be read in Open BIM Quantities via the BIMserver.center platform, in order to consolidate them and obtain the complete project specifications.
As well as entering specifications in items, users can also use the different tabs to: modify the parameters entered when creating the item; add a description; insert documents providing graphical information; add attached documents; add technical information, such as physical properties, environmental data and the LER code of the waste; or associate the item with waste from placement, demolition, excavation and/or packaging. Graphical information, attachments and technical information can also be imported or exported in BC3 (FIEBDC-3).
From the "Bill of quantities" tab in each program, users can register and manage job certificates. The program allows columns displaying percentages and amounts on certificates to be activated, as well as the possibility of certifying by percentage or quantity of partial measurement, by partial amount, by percentage or quantity of measurement at origin, and by amount at origin.
From the "Bill of quantites" tab, global or partial bills of quantities of the job can be generated. By applying filters, users can assign tags to the elements in the system that allow them to generate partial bills of quantities of the system. For example, bills of quantities can be generated by building block, by floor and even by type of elements in the system.
Bill of quantities documents can be extracted in several reports such as ("Quantities", "Cost breakdown structure", "Priced bill of quantities", "Detailed priced bill of quantities", "BOQ summary", "Specifications", "Environmental impact indicators", "Construction and demolition waste", "Certificate-to-origin" and "Certificate summary") which can be exported in HTML, DOCX, PDF, RTF and TXT format.
The bill of quantities can also be exported in BC3 (FIEBDC-3) for processing in quantity surveying programs such as Arquimedes.