
CYPETHERM BRIDGES is an application designed to determine the thermal transmittance in linear thermal bridges by means of the resolution and post-processing of a finite element heat transfer analysis model, based on the UNE-EN ISO 10211 standard.

This program is part of the research project "Development of a software tool for the integration of the numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in the analysis of building energy demand", funded by the Spanish centre for the development of industrial technology (CDTI), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and carried out in collaboration with the Energy Engineering Group of the Department of Industrial Systems of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Alicante).

Thermal transmittance of linear thermal bridges

CYPETHERM BRIDGES is a user-friendly program for calculating thermal transmittance in linear thermal bridges.

To calculate the linear thermal transmittance, CYPETHERM BRIDGES uses a numerical finite element analysis based on the two-dimensional heat transfer calculation reflected in EN ISO 10211.

The main features of CYPETHERM BRIDGES include the following:

  • Calculation according to EN ISO 10211.
  • Different models of thermal bridges.
  • Material libraries and catalogues.
  • Calculation results.

Calculation in accordance with EN ISO 10211

The calculation of the thermal bridges is carried out by means of a numerical analysis by finite elements based on the two-dimensional calculation of heat transfer reflected in EN ISO 10211. This computer simulation technique is used to obtain the linear thermal transmittance of each thermal bridge.

Analysed thermal bridges

CYPETHERM BRIDGES currently analyses six of the most common thermal bridges in buildings:

  • Intersection of façade with floor slab.
  • Intersection of façade with internal partition.
  • Intersection between façades.
  • Intersection of outgoing façade with external floor.
  • Intersection between the façade and flat roof.
  • Intersection between the façade and floor slab overhang.

Results output

As a result, the program generates a PDF report with the following data:

  • Diagram with the generated design model.
  • Analysis of the linear thermal bridge according to EN ISO 10211.
  • Temperature distribution graph.
  • Isotherm graph.
  • Heat flow direction graph.
  • Heat flow at the analysed edge.
Generated design model
Temperature distribution graph
Isotherm graph
Heat flow direction graph

Integration into the platform

Many of CYPE's programs are connected to the platform and allow collaborative work to be carried out via the exchange of files in formats based on open standards.

Please note that, to work on, users can register on the platform free of charge and create a profile.

When accessing a program connected to the platform, the program connects to a project in This way, the files of the projects that have been developed collaboratively in are kept up to date.

More information:
For further details related to using CYPE software via the platform, please click on this link.

Options available in CYPETHERM BRIDGES

When linked to a project, the design report generated by the tool can be shared.

This option is available in the "" group, where the "Update" and "Share" buttons are located.

Supported licenses and modules

CYPETHERM BRIDGES requires the following module for it to function:

APT module: Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211

The APT module is the basic module for using CYPETHERM BRIDGES and is a prerequisite for running the program.