Update history​

Continuous beams

Updating the CYPE Menu applications

As of version 2024.f, the CYPE Menu tool (available on the BIMserver.centre platform Store) allows users to manage the updates of the applications it includes.

When accessing the CYPE Menu, the program checks whether there is a newer version of the installed applications and, if so, the "Update" option appears next to them.

The update process will download the application and, once completed, will start the installation.

Calculation of the differed deflection of concrete beams

As of the 2019.d version, CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Continuous beams allow users to edit the percentage of live load to be considered as quasi-permanent load to take it into account when calculating the differed deflection. To do so, the “Construction process” panel has been included in the “% Quasi-permanent” field. 

The panel can be accessed as follows:

    In CYPECAD, users can indicate a different live load percentage as quasi-permanent load for each floor group:

    Project > General data > Permanent and live load > “Edit” button of the floor in question.
  • CYPE 3D
    Project > General data > Construction process
  • Vigas continuas
    General data > Construction process

Code implementation. ACI 318M-11 (USA)

Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-11).

Implemented in CYPECADCYPE 3D and Continuous beams.

CYPECAD and CYPE 3D use the Advanced beam editor and Advanced column editor when applying this code.

Code implementation. ABNT NBR 6118:2014 (Brazil)

Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118 (2014). Projeto de estruturas de concreto – Procedimento.

Implemented in CYPECADCYPE 3D (Metal 3D), Punching shear verification, Stairs, Flat slabs, Corbels, Great depth beams, Foundation elements and Continuous beams.

Maximum node width

The node width range has been increased to 1000cm (General data > Edit the geometry and loads of the selected frame > select the Node description button > select the node).

Code implementation. SP 63.13330.2012 (Russia)

Concrete and reinforced concrete. Construction. Updated edition SNIP 52-01-2003. Moscow 2012.

Implemented in CYPECADMetal 3D and Continuous beams.

For this code, CYPECAD, Metal 3D and Continuous beams allow for:

  • Additional loadcases to be added for special frost loads.
  • A percentage of the load to be defined as long-term loading, for live load and snow loadcases.
  • The advanced beam editor (CYPECAD) to be used 
  • The advanced column editor (CYPECAD) to be used 

If the Russian concrete code is used together with its corresponding seismic code (СНиП II-7-81 – implemented in the 2014.b version), the ductility reinforcement criteria and capacity design criteria for bending of concrete columns are taken into account.

Horizontal openings in beams

Geometry of the openings and types of beams they may be applied to

As of the 2014.a version, the Advanced beam editor of CYPECAD and Continuous beams allow for horizontal or circular openings to be introduced in reinforced concrete beams of constant or variable depth, of the following types:

  • Dropped, rectangular beams (without lattice)
  • Dropped “L” or “T” beams (without lattice)

Conditions of the position and dimensions of the openings

These openings are not considered during the analysis phase, and so, both their position and dimensions should remain restricted so that the efforts obtained may be considered valid. The limitations imposed by the program are the following:

  • The height of the horizontal opening must be less than one third of the depth of the beam.
  • The length of the horizontal opening must be less than the depth of the beam.
  • The position of the horizontal opening must guarantee that the cover is respected in all the faces of the opening, and in the top and bottom surfaces of the beam.
  • The free distance between consecutive horizontal openings must be greater than two times the depth of the beam.
  • The free distance between a horizontal opening and the supporting side of the beam must be greater than half of its depth.
  • No horizontal openings may be introduced in the confinement zones established by the seismic code.

The interaction between the reinforcement of the openings and the rest of the reinforcement introduced by users is completely automatic. When users introduce an opening, the program cuts the skin reinforcement bar at the opening, reorganises the stirrups on which the opening lies, and, if it is displaced, the reinforcement of the frame is modified in accordance. The program checks that the horizontal openings only cut the skin reinforcement bars. If this is not the case, an error message is displayed.

The conditions under which an opening is considered to be correctly defined may vary along the length of the frame (for example, if another opening is introduced very close to it, the stirrups of both openings could overlap, which would generate an undefined situation). If an opening cannot be processed, it is marked with a red dot and an error message is displayed when the mouse cursor is placed over it; and its effects on the previously introduced reinforcement disappear until the opening is deleted or the error is resolved.

The options to define the openings are located in the Openings floating menu, which can be activated by selecting the , button, that appears in the top buttons bar next to the transverse reinforcement edition option.

Introducing the openings and defining their reinforcement

The Openings floating menu contains five options:

  • New opening
    Three steps must be followed to introduce a new opening:
    • Select the type of opening and its dimensions
      Once the New opening button () is selected, the New opening dialogue appears on screen, in which the type of opening (Rectangular or Circular) and its dimensions are defined.
    • Confirmation of the position of the opening on the span
      Once the dimensions of the opening have been introduced, users select the position (using the mouse cursor) on the frame at which it is to be introduced. During this process, the program displays the opening with the shape and size that have been specified, and its coordinates, which depend on the position of the mouse cursor. Unless the opening cannot be introduced at the current position of the cursor, two coordinates will always be displayed:
      • The distance with respect to the support

      • The distance with respect to the top face of the beam

      To confirm the position of the opening, simply click on the left mouse button so a panel appears allowing for the numerical position of the opening to be defined.
    • Defining the reinforcement of the opening
      The reinforcement is composed, for both rectangular and circular openings, of:
    • Top reinforcement
    • Bottom reinforcement
    • Stirrups applied to the corresponding zone of the opening
    • Anchorage of bars that are cut due to the interaction with the opening (only affects skin reinforcement bars).

      The Length of lateral confinement, which is required in the dialogue box in which the reinforcement of the opening is defined, refers to the zones at either side of the opening. The same stirrup arrangement is used in both zones defined by the lateral confinement length as before the opening was introduced, but with the stirrup diameter and spacing defined for the opening. These zones are used to guarantee the shear is transmitted correctly between the zone of the beam without an opening and the zone with.

      Two independent stirrup arrangements can be defined for the parts above and below the opening, and the template of the opening (indicates the points which can tie the stirrups or cross-ties) must be compatible with the base reinforcement template of the span in which it is located (to avoid there being loose stirrups). The number of reinforcement bars of the opening must be greater than or equal to the number of reinforcement bars of the template to guarantee there is a bar at all the positions at which the stirrups are held.
  • Edit opening
    This option displays the same dialogue in which the reinforcement of the opening has been defined using the New opening () option.

    The reinforcement of the opening can also be edited from:
    • The edition of the longitudinal reinforcement of the frame
       button on the top bar of the beam editor > Edit).

      This way a panel is displayed which allows users to edit the reinforcement of the opening.
    • The edition of the transverse reinforcement of the frame
      (botón  button on the top bar of the beam editor > Edit).

      Allows users to edit the transverse reinforcement of the opening, the additional reinforcement and anchorage.
  •  Edit opening and assign
    Allows users to match the type of opening and their reinforcement to several openings. First of all, users must select the opening which is to be taken as the source opening (which will allow for any parameters to be edited) and then, select the openings to be matched. This selection can be carried out one-by-one, or using a capture window. Those which are the same are displayed in orange and those that are different in yellow.
  •  Move opening
    Allows users to displace the opening within the same span. Simply select the opening and drag it to its new position. When the opening is placed in its new position, the program applies the same considerations as when a new opening is introduced.
  •  Delete opening
    Users can delete the selected opening or openings. Multiple openings can be selected for deletion (using a capture window), or deleted individually.

U.L.S. checks of the openings

The U.L.S. checks of the introduced openings can be consulted using the existing options in the beam editor,  (U.L.S. checks at the worst case point) and (U.L.S. checks at a point) buttons. In the case of the worst case point, all the checks of the openings the beam may have are added to the checks of the beam. When consulting the checks at a point, the opening can be selected directly.

When checking a beam with openings, worst case checks of the beam may appear in the zone in which the opening is situated because the program considers that the zone of the opening should meet the requirements of the section with the opening as well as the section without it.

An element filter has been implemented to help when consulting the checks of the openings using the worst case point option ().

Reinforcement details of the openings in drawings

If a frame contains openings, the details of the opening are automatically generated integrated within the details of each frame. The scale of the detail of the opening can be configured by users.

Code implementation. NSR-10 (Colombia) (Título C ‑ Concreto estructural)

Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR-10. Título C ‑ Concreto estructural.

Implemented in CYPECADMetal 3DStairsFoundation elements, and Continuous beams.

CYPECAD's advanced column and beam editors are also available with this code.

New features in Continuous beams

Continuous beams now includes the following improvements:

  • Marks to differentiate between longitudinal bars placed in the same horizontal plane
  • Configuration of the reinforcement details drawing

 These improvements are the same as those which have been implemented the Beam editor of CYPECAD.

New features in Continuous beams

Continuous beams now includes the following new features:

  • Re-design frame reinforcement
  • Join assembly or skin reinforcement
  • Conservation of the lateral menu configuration

These improvements are the same as those which have been implemented in the CYPECAD's beam editor (except the option to Block reinforcement, which, given how it operates, is not applicable to this program).

Reinforcement tables. Admissible diameters depending on the depth of the beam

The admissible diameters contained the reinforcement tables for transverse reinforcement, top additional reinforcement and bottom additional reinforcement, can be deactivated depending on the depth of the beam.

The top additional reinforcement and bottom additional reinforcement tables include two new columns: Minimum depth and Maximum depth, which allow users to define a beam depth interval for each admissible diameter, so that if the depth lies outside this range, the diameter is not used. The transverse reinforcement tables only contain one new column, Maximum depth, which allows user to deactivate the admissible diameters for beams exceeding that value.

These improvements have also been implemented in CYPECAD.

New features in Continuous Beams. New tools for Reinforcement edition

New beam edition tools have been implemented in the beam editor (  button) in the 2013.e version of Continuous beams. These improvements also appear in CYPECAD’s new beam editor, as it is the same editor as for Continuous beams. These tools are described below:

Join longitudinal reinforcement

The option: Join reinforcement, has been implemented in the Longitudinal reinforcement dialogue box (  button), allowing users to join reinforcement bar packs of the same diameter. Users select two bar packs and indicate the amount of bars of these packs which are to be joined.

Change of stirrup type in the same span

A new option: Transverse reinforcement arrangement, has been implemented in the transverse reinforcement edition dialogue box (  button > Edit reinforcement). Two options are available in this section:

  • The same as for assembly reinforcement
    Assigns the transverse assembly reinforcement to the selected stirrup span.
  • Specific for this interval
    Users can assign a different reinforcement type to that of the assembly reinforcement, to the selected stirrup span.

Grouped stirrups

Two fields have been implemented in the transverse reinforcement edition dialogue box (  button > Edit reinforcement), where users can indicate the number of grouped stirrups or grouped bars (if the stirrup type contains bars)

Transverse sections defined by users

Using the new Transverse sections dialogue box (  button), users can configure the sections of the frame which are to be displayed with the following options:

  • Generate transverse sections
  • Introduce a transverse section defined by a single point
  • Introduce a transverse section defined by two points
  • Delete a transverse section