Associated programs

Project requirements and generating single-line diagrams

If the job is linked to a project, the configuration of lines and circuits developed in programs for load and circuit distribution, such as CYPELEC Distribution, can be imported. In this case, a specific panel is enabled on the left-hand side of the interface, both in the "Single-line" tab and in the "Tree" tab, which allows added features.

On the left-hand side, the program displays a table with the "Project requirements", indicating the reference of each of the lines or circuits identified and a mark indicating whether or not each of them complies with the requirements of the diagram developed in the program.

If there are project requirements generated from the information that may exist in the BIM project, through the "Generate a single-line diagram that meets the project requirements" option, available at the bottom of this section, the program can import and automatically generate a single line diagram that satisfies them. In this process, the existing single-line diagram is deleted and generated again.

Compliance with these project requirements is based on the verification of the following points:

  • The connection hierarchy of the wiring diagram is respected, so that all lines and circuits are defined and connected according to the imported diagram.
  • For each of the lines and circuits, the requirements must be met. The three possible cases below can be distinguished for this:
  1. The measuring length must be complied with for lines belonging to feeder installations and power supply lines to switchboards or sub-switchboards.
  1. For circuits belonging to switchboards and when circuits with a concentrated load are chosen, that the total active power demand of the circuit and the measurement length are complied with.
  1. For circuits belonging to switchboards and when circuits with a distributed load are chosen, apart from the active power demanded and the measurement length, that the definition and distribution of each of the loads along their supply circuit are complied with, and for each of the loads that their electrical characteristics are complied with.

It is worth mentioning that in order to meet the requirement for the measurement length of a circuit, the sum of the calculation length plus the sum of the additional length must be equal to or greater than the required length. Both lengths are present in the edit panel of a circuit, as shown in the image on the right.