
Module code


Associated programs

Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211

The "Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211" module can be used to carry out the numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211 in CYPETHERM EPlus and CYPETHERM BRIDGES.

With the permission for this module, users can carry out the numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in either program, depending on the capabilities of each program and their interests and needs.

APT module in CYPETHERM EPlus

The "Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211" module enables the numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211 to be carried out in CYPETHERM EPlus.

When using CYPETHERM EPlus, users can import a geometric model created with other technologies by linking it to a project. Then, the data needed to carry out the energy simulation of the building is configured in the program.

By activating the corresponding option enabled by this module, the program can identify the linear thermal bridges in the model and perform their numerical analysis in accordance with ISO 10211 to obtain their linear thermal transmittance, so that the calculated values are taken into account in the aforementioned energy simulation.

Detailed information about the different features of CYPETHERM EPlus can be found on this page.


To be able to use CYPETHERM BRIDGES, the user license must include the "Numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211" module.

In CYPETHERM BRIDGES, users define the types of the linear thermal bridge and the layers of materials used in each element in the program interface. Then, the thermal transmittance in the linear thermal bridge is determined in the program by solving and post-processing a finite element heat transfer analysis model in accordance with ISO 10211.

Detailed information about CYPETHERM BRIDGES can be found on this page.