CYPEPLUMBING. "Water Systems" tab

Setting the analysis and drawing options for the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "General Options" of the "Project" group in the main toolbar, the "Analysis and drawing options" of the water supply system can be configured:

  • Calculation options
  • General checks
  • Representation options
  • Report configuration
  • Units

By using the "Import configuration" option, available on the right-hand side of the "General options" panel, this data can be automatically generated for different national and international standards. Similarly, data from different manufacturers can be imported by clicking on the options with their logo.

The other options in the right-hand column are for importing and exporting the complete configuration of the "General options" panel to files on disk, as well as selecting a file with initial values for creating a new job.

Calculation options

Defines the general data and criteria for the design of the water supply system.

  • General data
    The formula used in the hydraulic analysis of the system can be consulted using the help button on the right-hand side of this section. The Darcy-Weisbach formula is used to calculate the pressure losses in each section of the network. The expressions that determine the analysis of the hot water return networks are also shown.
    • Simplified entry (optional)
      If this option is activated, the panels for entering and editing the elements in the system have a simplified appearance and don't need to be defined by the user.
    • Properties of the water
      This allows the density, specific heat and viscosity of water to be defined for each temperature value.
    • Heat dissipation calculation (optional)
      Activates the heat dissipation calculation. The ambient temperature value must be entered.
    • Minimum recirculation flow percentage (optional)
      Defines a minimum recirculation flow percentage in the hot water return circuits.
    • Localised pressure drops in pipe joints
      Selects the type of local pressure drop to be assigned at the joints of the different kinds of pipes when using the tools for automatically generating "Local pressure drops at pipe joints" available in the "Water supply" group of the main toolbar. The library of pressure loss types can be configured from "Fittings", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options".
      • Cold water (45° elbow, 90° elbow, Tee, Reducer)
      • Hot water (45° elbow, 90° elbow, Tee, Reducer)
      • Hot water return (45° elbow, 90° elbow, Tee, Reducer)
      • Auxiliary supply (45° elbow, 90° elbow, Tee, Reducer)
      • Auxiliary return (45° elbow, 90° elbow, Tee, Reducer)
  • D.H.W. demand
    • Demand criteria
      Defines the available DHW demand criteria, indicating the reference, description and daily demand, per unit (in volume units). This criteria can then be selected to enter the necessary information in the "Consumption" section of the "DHW production" equipment.
    • Reference temperature (optional)
      Defines the reference temperature of the DHW demand.
    • Correction factor
      Defines a correction factor for the DHW demand according to the number of consumers.
  • Generation
    • Design criteria (optional)
      Selects the type of pipe that the program assigns to each span of the system during the design, if the "Pipe reference" section is kept unlocked in each pipe entered in the model. The kinds of pipes can be created in "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options".
      • Cold water (Supply connection points, Meter pre-installation, Meter assembly, Shut-off valve, Valve of the room with plumbing, Consumption, Others)
      • Hot water (Hot water production, Meter pre-installation, Meter assembly, Shut-off valve, Valve of the room with plumbing, Consumption, Others)
  • Design
    • Minimum diameter
      If this option is chosen, the system design is carried out with the maximum values of velocity and pressure loss entered for each pipe from "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options". With this design, the minimum possible diameters are obtained, if the supply pressure is sufficient.
    • Minimum available pressure requirement
      If this option is chosen, the program starts an iterative design process which, as well as complying with the maximum values of velocity and head loss introduced for each pipe (in "Piping", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options") increases the diameter of the pipes in the circuits where the losses condition a higher inlet pressure in the system, respecting the minimum velocity criteria entered in the same section. This design obtains the diameters that require the minimum possible supply pressure. Furthermore, if the following options are selected, which do not allow the diameter of the most unfavourable sections to be increased when reaching a minimum speed or a minimum pressure loss, a sizing of the system that is closer to the optimum economic design is obtained:
      • Do not increase the diameter if the pressure loss is reduced (optional)
        • Minimum pressure loss
      • Do not increase the diameter if the velocity is reduced (optional)
        • Minimum velocity
  • Simultaneity
    Selects and defines the simultaneity analysis methods available in the project. It is then possible to choose one of these methods for each pipe defined in "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options".
    • Q = Kn Σ Qi
      Defines the simultaneous flow rate as a function of the sum of the instantaneous flow rates (Qi) and the coefficient (Kn). This coefficient depends on the number n of consumptions and its calculation expression takes different forms, which can be selected for each pipe defined in "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options".
    • Qc = x1 × Qtx2 + x3
      Defines the simultaneous or calculation flow rate as a function of the gross flow rate (Qt) and the x1, x2 and x3 parameters, which can be defined by flow rate ranges. This method is proposed in some documents such as the UNE 149201:2017 standard.
    • Qc (U)
      Defines the simultaneous or calculation flow rate (Qc) as a function of the number of consumption units (U).
    • Qc (Qt)
      Defines the simultaneous or calculation flow rate (Qc) as a function of the gross flow rate (Qt).

General checks

Defines the general checks of the water supply system.

  • General checks
    • Positioning in series of the valve of the room with plumbing (optional)
    • Maximum distance between the hot water production equipment and the consumption point (optional)
  • Design options
    With this feature, users can configure alternative design options globally for all the elements in the system. The parameters activated and entered in this window are only used to change the values of the parameters that are previously activated in each type of element defined in the "General options", from where the "Design and check options to be carried out" are accessed. Furthermore, once defined, these options will not be applied to the design of the system until the user assigns them using the "Design options" option in the "Project" group of the top tool menu in the general interface.
    • Reference
    • Description
    • "Deposit" tab
      • Minimum pressure (optional)
      • Maximum pressure (optional)
    • “Hot water production” tab
      • Minimum pressure (optional)
      • Maximum pressure (optional)
    • “Consumption” tab
      • Minimum pressure (optional)
      • Maximum pressure (optional)
    • “Pipe” tab
      • Minimum nominal diameter (optional)
      • Maximum nominal diameter (optional)
      • Minimum velocity (optional)
      • Maximum velocity (optional)
      • Maximum pressure loss of the span (optional)
      • Simultaneity (optional)

Representation options

Configures the graphical representation of the elements in the water supply system.

  • Type of line and colour” tab
    Modifies the type of line and the colour used in the graphical representation of the different types of pipes.
    • Cold water (Colour, Type of line)
    • Hot water (Colour, Type of line)
    • Hot water return (Colour, Type of line)
    • Auxiliary supply (Colour, Type of line)
    • Auxiliary return (Colour, Type of line)
  • Label” tab
    Adjusts the information displayed in the labels of the different elements in the water supply system and their text size.
    • Composition (Supply connection point, Meter, Fitting, Manifold, Tank, Pumping system, Hot water production, Heat exchanger, Consumption, Pipe)
    • Configuration
      • Text size
  • Symbols” tab
    • Hydromixer (Symbol), Cold water (Symbol), Hot water (Symbol)
      Selects the symbol used in the graphical representation of the water supply system consumption from the generic symbols available or the previously created customised symbols.
    • Personalised
      Creates customised symbols using a drawing editor or imports symbols contained in DXF, DWG or DWF files saved on disk.

Report configuration

Configures the information that appears in the water supply system reports.

  • Results
    Configures the information that appears in the results report.
    • By network (optional)
    • By criteria (optional)
    • Worst case span (optional)
    • Most favourable span (optional)
  • Checks
    Configures the information that appears in the check report.
    • Worst case span (optional)
    • Most favourable span (optional)
    • Fails (optional)


Configures the units, the label and the number of decimal places for each of the magnitudes related to the water supply system:

  • Primary measure units (Time, Length, Diameter, Absolute roughness, Area, Volume, Liquid volume, Temperature, Temperature difference)
  • General measure units (Velocity, Water flow, Pressure, Pressure per unit length, Density, Kinematic viscosity of the water)
  • Thermal measure units (Thermal conductivity, Power, Specific heat, Heat release rate per unit length)

By using the "Import one of the predefined systems of units" option, available on the right-hand side of the panel, one of the following systems of units can be imported:

  • International System of Units
    Imports the units of the International System of Units.
  • I-P system
    Imports the units of the I-P (Inch-Pound) or imperial system.

Selecting the materials and equipment for the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "General options" from the "Project" group in the main toolbar, the "Material and equipment selection" of the following elements of the water supply system can be carried out:

  • Tanks
  • Booster sets
  • Pumps
  • Fittings
  • Heat exchangers
  • Instantaneous heaters
  • Pipes catalogue
  • Thermal insulation catalogue

By using the "Import configuration" option, available on the right-hand side of the "General options" panel, this data can be automatically generated for different national and international codes. It is also possible to import data from different manufacturers by clicking on the options showing their logo.

The other options in the right-hand column can be used to import and export the complete configuration of the "General options" panel to files on disk, as well as to select a file with initial values for creating a new job.


Defines the materials and equipment corresponding to the tanks. The subsequent entry of these elements into the model is carried out by means of the "Tank" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining the tanks in this section, the following parameters need to be entered:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Dimension properties
    Enters the dimensional characteristics of the equipment available in the series by adding entries in the table.
    • Type of tank
      The required dimensional characteristics vary depending on whether the tank is circular or rectangular.
      • Circular (Reference / Capacity / Radius / Height / Height of the inlet connection / Height of the outlet connection)
      • Rectangular (Reference / Capacity / Radius / Height / Height of the inlet connection / Height of the outlet connection)

Booster set

Used to define the materials and equipment corresponding to the booster sets. These elements are subsequently entered into the model via the "Pumping system" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining booster sets in this section, the following parameters need to be specified:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Type (Conventional / Variable flow)
  • Technical properties
    Enters the technical properties of the booster set.
    • Number of pumps (1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
    • Dimensions (L, B, H)
    • Flow/Pressure curve
      Used to define the available flow/pressure curves for the booster set by adding entries in the table.
      • Reference
        Curve reference.
      • Type of curve
        • Midpoint
          Enters the values defining the midpoint of the flow/pressure curve and displays a graph with the associated curve.
          • Flow 
          • Pressure
        • By points
          Enters flow/pressure point pairs and displays a graph with the associated curve.
          • Flow
          • Pressure


Used to define the materials and equipment for the circulation pumps. These elements are subsequently entered into the model via the "Pumping system" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining the circulation pumps in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Technical properties
    Enters the pump’s technical properties.
    • Dimensions (L, B, H)
    • Flow/Pressure curve
      Used to define the available flow/pressure curves for the booster set by adding entries in the table.
      • Reference
        Curve reference.
      • Type of curve
        • Midpoint
          Enters the values defining the midpoint of the flow/pressure curve and displays a graph with the associated curve.
          • Flow
          • Pressure
        • By points
          Enters flow/pressure point pairs and displays a graph with the associated curve.
          • Flow
          • Pressure


Defines the materials and equipment corresponding to the fittings. The materials and equipment defined here can be assigned to the fittings created in "Fittings", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options". The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be carried out via the "Fittings" option or via the options for automatically generating localised head losses, in the "Water supply" group.

When defining the fittings in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Technical properties
    Enters the technical properties of the fitting by adding entries in the table. The use of these factors depends on the "Local pressure loss calculation" criterion chosen for each fitting defined in "Fittings" in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options".
    • Reference
    • External diameter
    • Internal diameter
    • Loss coefficient
    • Local pressure loss
    • Equivalent length
These factors can be regulatory or directly consulted in manufacturers' technical catalogues (usually, in the latter case, the kinetic coefficient of the type of connection is given).

Storage tanks

Defines the materials and equipment corresponding to the storage tanks. The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be carried out using the "Hot water production" option in the "Hot water" group.

When defining the storage tanks in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Heat exchanger (Simple / Double/ Without heat exchanger)
    • Inlet for the additional contribution of other systems
  • Technical properties (Reference / Capacity / Radius / Height / Height of the inlets)
    Enters the technical properties of the storage tanks of the series by adding entries in the table.

Instantaneous heaters

Defines the materials and equipment corresponding to the instantaneous heaters. The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be carried out using the "Hot water production" option in the "Hot water" group.

When defining the instantaneous heaters in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material or equipment reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Technical properties (Reference / Flow / Height / Width / Length / Height of the inlets)
    Enters the technical properties of the instantaneous heaters of the series by adding entries in the table.

Pipes catalogue

Defines the catalogue of materials available for the pipes. The materials defined here can be assigned to the pipes created in "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options". The subsequent entry of these elements in the model is carried out by means of the options available in the "Pipes" group.

When defining the pipes in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Absolute roughness
    • Thermal conductivity
  • Dimension properties (Reference / Nominal diameter / External diameter / Thickness)
    Enters the dimensional properties of each pipe of the series by adding entries in the table.

Thermal insulation catalogue

Defines the catalogue of materials available for the thermal insulation of pipes. The materials defined here can be assigned to the pipes created in "Pipes", in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options". The subsequent entry of these elements in the model is carried out by means of the options available in the "Pipes" group.

When defining the thermal insulation in this section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Material reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Thermal conductivity (Temperature / Conductivity)
      In this section, a thermal conductivity value can be entered for each temperature value.
  • Dimension properties (Reference / Internal diameter / Thickness)
    Enters the dimensional properties of each thermal insulation of the series by adding entries in the table.

Setting the design and check options to be carried out on the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "General options" of the "Project" group of the main toolbar, the "Design and check options to be carried out" can be defined for the following elements of the water supply system:

  • Supply connection points
  • Meters
  • Tanks
  • Pumping system
  • Fitting
  • Hot water production
  • Heat exchangers
  • Consumption
  • Pipes

These criteria and option catalogues must be defined for each type of element before they are selected and entered into the model.

By using the "Import configuration" option, available on the right-hand side of the "General options" panel, this data can be automatically generated for different national and international standards. The data of different manufacturers can also be imported by clicking on the options displaying their logo.

The other options in the right-hand column allow the complete configuration of the "General options" panel to be imported and exported to files on disk, as well as selecting a file with initial values for creating a new job.

Supply connection point

Used to define the supply connection points available in the project. These elements are then entered in the model via the "Supply connection point" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining a supply connection point, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Supply connection point reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • Flow
      • Pressure


Used to define the meters available in the project. These elements are then entered in the model via the "Meter" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining a meter, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Meter reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Height of the inlets
    • Type of network (Cold water / Hot water)
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Technical properties
    • Type of meter
      • Meter pre-installation
      • Meter assembly
  • Design and check data
    • Local pressure los calculation (optional)
      Enters local pressure drop values for meters.
    • Local pressure loss (optional)
      Defines a local pressure drop value associated with the meter type. If left deactivated, the local pressure drop must be defined for each particular element of the meter type.


Used to define the tanks available in the project. These elements are then entered in the model via the "Tank" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining a tank, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Tank reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Minimum pressure (optional)
      Minimum pressure required at the tank inlet.
    • Maximum pressure (optional)
      Maximum pressure required at the tank inlet.
    • Minimum operating time (optional)
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • Pressure
      • Estimated operating time

Pumping system

Used to define the pumping systems available in the project. These elements are then entered in the model via the "Pumping system" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining a pumping, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Pumping system reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Technical properties
    Indicates whether the pumping system is a booster set or a circulation pump by activating the corresponding option.
    • Booster set (optional)
    • Circulation pump (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • Pressure increase


Used to define the fittings and manifolds available in the project. The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be done through the "Fitting" and "Manifold" options or through the options for the automatic generation of localised pressure losses, in the "Water supply" group.

"Fittings" tab

When defining a fitting, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Fitting reference. The button on the left is used to change the associated "Icon" if this fitting is activated in the tool group.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Type of pipe (Cold water / Hot water / Hot water return / Auxiliary supply / Auxiliary return)
    • Material reference
      Used to select one of the materials entered in the "Fittings" table, in the "Material and equipment selection" section of the "General options".
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Technical properties
    Indicates the type of fitting by checking the corresponding option from those available:
    • General shut-off valve (optional)
    • Shut-off valve (optional)
    • Valve of the room with plumbing (optional)
    • Pressure reducing valve (optional)
    • Thermostatic mixing valve (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Local pressure loss calculation (optional)
      Activates the calculation of localised pressure loss in the fitting and defines the calculation criterion by selecting it from those available:
      • Loss coefficient
      • Local pressure loss
      • Equivalent length

“Manifold” tab

When defining a manifold, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Manifold reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Type of pipe (Cold water / Hot water / Hot water return / Auxiliary supply / Auxiliary return)
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Diameter (optional)
      Allows the diameter associated with the manifold to be defined. If this option is deactivated, the program requires this value to be entered for each element in the model.
    • Pressure drop (optional)
      Defines the pressure loss associated with the manifold. If this option is deactivated, the program requires this value to be entered for each element in the model.

Hot water production

Used to define the hot water production systems available in the project. The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be carried out by means of the "Hot water production" option, in the "Hot water" group.

When defining a hot water production system, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Hot water production system reference. The button on the left changes the associated "Icon" if this system is activated in the tool group.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Technical properties
    Specifies the technical characteristics of the hot water production system:
    • Hot water production (With accumulation / Instantaneous)
    • Solar thermal
  • Design and check data
    • Minimum pressure (optional)
      Minimum pressure required at the inlet of the hot water production system.
    • Maximum pressure (optional)
      Maximum pressure required at the inlet of the hot water production system.
    • Estimated operating time (optional)
    • Allowable temperature loss in hot water network
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • Flow
      • Pressure
      • Estimated operating time

Heat exchangers

Used to define the heat exchangers available in the project. These elements are then entered in the model via the "Heat exchanger" option in the "Water supply" group.

When defining a heat exchanger, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Heat exchanger reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
  • Graphical representation
    • Colour (optional)
  • Technical properties
    Specifies the technical properties of the heat exchanger:
    • Solar thermal (optional)
    • System (Direct / Indirect)
  • Design and check data
    • Pressure loss (optional)
      Defines a pressure loss value associated with the type of heat exchanger.


Defines the consumptions available in the project. The subsequent entry of these elements in the model can be carried out by means of the "Consumption" option in the "Consumption" group.

When defining a consumption, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Consumption reference. The button on the left can be used to change the associated "Icon" if this consumption is activated in the tool group.
  • General properties
    • Reference on plan
    • Description
    • Height of the valves (optional)
    • Type (Hydromixer / Cold water / Hot water)
    • Distance between valves
  • Graphical representation
    • Label (optional)
      • Reference (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Cold water flow / Hot water flow (in “Hydromixer” consumption)
      Cold and hot water flow rates required by consumption.
    • Flow (in “Cold water” or “Hot water” types of consumption)
      Cold water flow rate or hot water flow rate required by consumption.
    • Diameter (optional)
    • Minimum pressure
      Minimum pressure required for consumption.
    • Maximum pressure
      Maximum pressure required for consumption.
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • Pressure


Used to define the pipes available in the project. The subsequent entry of these elements into the model is carried out by means of the options available in the "Pipes" group.

When defining a pipe, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Reference
    Pipe reference.
  • General properties
    • Description
    • Type of pipe (Cold water / Hot water / Hot water return / Auxiliary supply / Auxiliary return)
    • Material reference
      Used to select one of the materials entered in the "Pipe catalogue" table, in the "Material and equipment selection" section of the "General options".
    • Thermal insulation reference
      Used to select one of the materials entered in the "Thermal insulation catalogue" table, in the "Material and equipment selection" section of the "General options".
    • Outdoor pipe (optional)
      Indicates that the pipe is located outdoors.
  • Graphical representation
    • Label (optional)
      • Reference (optional)
      • Length (optional)
      • Diameter (optional)
      • Insulation (optional)
    • Symbol (optional)
    • Colour (optional)
    • Type of line (optional)
  • Design and check data
    • Minimum nominal diameter (optional)
      Minimum allowable nominal diameter of the pipe.
    • Maximum nominal diameter (optional)
      Minimum allowable nominal diameter of the pipe.
    • Minimum thickness of the thermal insulation (optional)
      Minimum required thickness of thermal insulation.
    • Minimum velocity (optional)
      Minimum permissible velocity of the fluid in the span.
    • Maximum velocity (optional)
      Maximum permissible velocity of the fluid in the span.
    • Increase of the real length (optional)
      Considers a percentage increase of the actual pipe length over the length entered in the model.
    • Maximum pressure loss of the span (optional)
      Maximum allowable pressure loss of the pipe span.
    • Do not modify the diameter when designing due to a pressure loss (optional)
    • Simultaneity (optional)
      Selects one of the simultaneity design methods entered under "Simultaneity" in the "Design options" section of the "General options".
    • Description of checks to be carried out
      Used to enter a descriptive text of the checks to be carried out on the element. This text will appear in the reports next to each check.
      • "General data" tab
        • Internal diameter
      • "Consumption" tab
        • Internal diameter
      • "Continuity" tab
        • Diámetro nominal
      • "Design" tab
        • Internal diameter
      • "Hydraulic" tab
        • Internal diameter
        • Flow
        • Velocity
        • Pressure loss of the span

Entering supply connection points into the water supply system

Under “Installation” in the “Water Systems” tab, in the “Water supply” group of the main toolbar, there is an option for entering the supply connection points of the water supply system:

Supply connection point

Enters the supply connection points of the water supply system.

The following parameters can be configured when entering or editing a supply connection point. Some parameters only appear if the “Simplified entry” option in “Design options” under “General options” is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Supply connection reference
    The type of supply connection point can be selected by reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Temperature (Lock/Unlock)
    • Flow (Lock/Unlock)
    • Pressure (Lock/Unlock)
  • Public network (optional)
    Indicates that the connection is to a public network. In this way, the available flow and pressure can be entered:
    • Flow
    • Pressure
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Supply connection point
  • Checks
    The checks carried out on the element can be consulted and listed. The program will check that the flow and pressure data entered in the “Public network” section are enough to cover the values defined in the "General data" section.
The “Water supply” option in the bottom right corner of the section provides access to the options for defining the elements in this section.

These options are the same as those available under "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options" in the "Project" group.

Entering elements from the water supply system: meters, tanks and pumping systems

In “Installation” under the “Water Systems” tab in the “Water supply” group of the main toolbar, the following elements of the water supply system can be entered:


Inserts meters in the water supply system.

When entering or editing a meter, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option in "Design options" under "General options" is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Meter reference
    The type of meter can be selected by reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Inlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Defines the meter’s inlet pressure.
    • Local pressure loss
      Defines the local pressure drop value associated with a particular element. This option only appears if the “Local pressure loss calculation” option is activated in the type of meter defined in "Design and check options to be carried out"’ (in “General options”, in the “Project” group) while keeping the “Local pressure loss” option deactivated.
    • Length
      Defines the length of the meter.
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Meter


Inserts tanks into the water supply system.

When entering or editing a tank, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option in "Design options" under "General options" is kept deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Tank reference
    The type of tank can be selected by reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Tank
      The material or equipment associated with the tank can be selected. The system materials and equipment can be created and edited in "Material and equipment selection" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
    • Dimensions
      Selects the dimensions of the tank by entering its capacity.
    • Flow (Lock/Unlock)
      Defines the element’s flow.
    • Inlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Defines the inlet pressure to the tank.
    • Outlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Defines the outlet pressure to the tank.
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Tank
  • Checks
    The checks carried out on the element can be consulted and listed. The program will check that the flow and pressure data entered in the “Public network” section are enough to cover the values defined in the "General data" section.

Pumping system

Enters pumping systems in the water supply system.

When entering or editing a pumping system, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option in "Design options" under "General options" is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Pumping system reference
    The type of pumping system can be selected by reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • For "Booster set" type pumping systems:
      • Booster set
        Selects the booster set. The system materials and equipment can be created and edited in "Material and equipment selection" in "General options".
      • Curve
        Selects the booster set curve from those available.
      • Flow (Lock/Unlock)
        Defines the element’s flow.
      • Inlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
        Defines the inlet pressure to the pumping system.
      • Outlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
        Defines the outlet pressure to the pumping system.
    • For "Pumping system" type or generic pumping systems:
      • Pump
        Selects the circling pump. The system materials and equipment can be created and edited in "Material and equipment selection" in "General options".
      • Curve
        Selects the pressure group curve from those available.
      • Total pressure rise (Lock/Unlock)
        Defines the pressure increase in the pumping system. This value can be defined as the sum of the pressure drop per pipe section and the point pressure drop due to fittings by means of the button on the right-hand side.
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Pumping system
  • Checks
    The checks carried out on the element can be consulted and listed. The program will check that the flow and pressure data entered in the “Public network” section are enough to cover the values defined in the "General data" section.
Pumping system
Booster set
The “Water supply” option in the bottom right corner of the section provides access to the options for defining the elements in this section.

These options are the same as those available under "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options" in the "Project" group.

Entering fittings into the water supply system and generating localised pressure drops at pipe joints

In “Installation” under the “Water Systems” tab in the “Water supply” group of the main toolbar, the following elements of the water supply system can be entered:


Inserts fittings into the water supply system.

When entering or editing a fitting, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option in "Design options" under "General options" is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Fitting reference
    Selects the type of fitting by its reference and depending on whether it is located in a "Cold water", "Hot water", "Hot water return", "Auxiliary supply" or "Auxiliary return" pipe. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Specified operating conditions (optional) (Start of the installation / End of the installation)
    • Diameter (Lock/Unlock)
      Selects the technical characteristics of the pipe associated with the fitting. This option only appears if the “Material reference” option is activated in the type of fitting defined in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
    • External diameter / Internal diameter (Lock/Unlock)
      These options only appear if the “Material reference” option is activated in the type of fitting defined in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
    • Temperature (Lock/Unlock)
    • Flow (Lock/Unlock)
    • Pressure (Lock/Unlock)
    • Loss coefficient / Local pressure loss / Equivalent length
      Defines the value of the loss coefficient, the local pressure loss or the equivalent length associated with the element. These options only appear if the “Material reference” option is activated in the type of fitting defined in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Fitting
The “Water supply” option in the bottom right corner of the group gives access to the options for defining the elements of this group.

These options are equivalent to those available in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.

Fittings with a checked box will be available as additional quick-access options in this tool group. This allows users to enter the desired fittings quickly.

Generating local pressure losses in pipe joints

The program includes two tools for the automatic generation of "Localised pressure drops in pipe joints":

  • The first option generates pressure losses at the joints of all the pipes in the job.
  • The second option generates the pressure losses at the pipe joints selected by the user.

After using any of these tools, the program reports the number of intersections where a localised pressure loss has been generated. From here, users can edit or delete the fittings created in the process if they wish to do so.

For these options to be available, the corresponding boxes must be activated in "Localised pressure drops in pipe joints" found in “Generation” under “Design options”, and in turn, under "General options". From here it is also possible to configure the type of fitting associated with each type of pipe joint.

Entering manifolds in the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab under "Water Systems", in the "Water supply" group of the main toolbar, there is an option for entering manifolds in the water supply system:


This allows manifolds to be inserted into the water supply system.

When entering or editing a manifold, the following parameters can be configured. Some of them only appear if the ‘Simplified input’ option, which can be found in ‘Calculation options’ under ‘General options’, is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Manifold reference
    Selects the type of manifold by its reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Number of outlets
    • Diameter (Lock/Unlock)
      Selects the technical characteristics of the pipe associated with the fitting. This option only appears if the “Diameter” option is deactivated in the manifold selected and defined in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
    • Temperature (Lock/Unlock)
    • Flow (Lock/Unlock)
    • Pressure  (Lock/Unlock)
    • Local pressure loss
      Defines the value of the local pressure loss associated with the element. This option only appears if the “Pressure loss” option is activated in the manifold selected and defined in "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • 3D layout
    The position and angle of the element can be defined. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    The information visible in the element's label can be managed.
    • Reference (optional)
  • Bill of quantities
    The element's bill of quantities generation can be controlled by filters.
    • Manifold
The “Water supply” option at the bottom right corner of the group is used to access the options for defining the elements in this group.

These options are the same as those available in "Design and check options to be carried out" under "General options" in the "Project" group.

Entering domestic hot water production equipment in the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Hot water" group of the main toolbar, there is an option for inserting domestic hot water (DHW) production equipment into the water supply system:

Hot water production

Enters domestic hot water production equipment into the water supply system.

When entering or editing DHW production equipment, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option, which can be found in "Calculation options" under "General options", is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. If unlocked, the program will create or modify the reference when updating the results.
  • Reference of the hot water production equipment
    The type of DHW production equipment can be selected by its reference. These types can be created and edited by means of "Design and check options to be carried out", which can be found in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    Defines the general data of the element. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked, when updating the results it is not modified but remains unchanged.
    • Storage tank / Instant water heater
      Selects the DHW production equipment from those defined in "Material and equipment selection", under "General options", in the "Project" group.
    • Dimensions (Lock / Unlock)
      Selects the dimensions of the DHW production equipment by entering the capacity (in the case of storage heaters) or the flow rate (in the case of instant heaters).
    • Temperature (Lock / Unlock)
    • Consumption
      Defines the DHW consumption associated with the production equipment. With the button on the right-hand side, this data can be loaded from the values indicated for "Daily demand, per unit" (which can be configured in "Demand criteria", under "Analysis options" and, in turn, under "General options") and the number of "Units" provided by the equipment.
      • Reference
      • Description
      • Daily volume
      • Volume
      • Occupancy / Consumption / Temperature / Distribution
        They are defined for each month.
    • Flow (Lock / Unlock)
    • Pressure (Lock / Unlock)
  • 3D layout
    Defines the position and angle of the element. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    Manages the information visible in the element's label.
    • Reference
  • Bill of quantities
    Controls the generation of the element's bill of quantities by means of filters.
    • Hot water production
  • Consult checks
    Allows the checks carried out on the element to be consulted and listed. These checks can be activated, edited or deactivated in "Design and check options to be carried out", under "General options" in the "Project" group.
Storage tank
Instantaneous heater
The "Hot water" button in the lower right-hand corner of the group is used to access the options for defining the elements in this group.

These options are equivalent to those available in "Design and check options to be carried out" under "General options" in the "Project" group.

The hot water production equipment with the checked box will be available as additional quick access options in this tool group. This allows users to quickly enter the desired equipment.

Entering heat exchangers in the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Hot water" group of the main toolbar, there is an option for inserting heat exchangers into the water supply system:

Heat exchanger

Used to insert heat exchangers into the water supply system.

When entering or editing a heat exchanger, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option under "Design options" in "General options" is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. The program will create or modify the reference when updating results if unlocked.
  • Heat exchanger reference
    The type of heat exchanger can be selected by reference. These types can be created and edited from "Design and check options to be carried out" in "General options", in the "Project" group.
  • General data
    The element's general data can be defined. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked when updating the results, it is not modified and remains unchanged.
    • Volume (Lock/Unlock)
    • Temperature (Lock/Unlock)
    • Consumption
      Defines the DHW consumption associated with the production equipment. With the button on the right-hand side, this data can be loaded from the values indicated for "Daily demand, per unit" (which can be configured in "Demand criteria", under "Analysis options" and, in turn, under "General options") and the number of "Units" provided by the equipment.
      • Reference
      • Description
      • Daily volume
      • Volume
      • Occupancy / Consumption / Temperature / Distribution
        They are defined for each month.
    • Flow (Lock / Unlock)
    • Flow of the auxiliary system
    • Pressure (Lock / Unlock)
  • 3D layout
    Defines the position and angle of the element. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Bill of quantities
    Controls the generation of the element's bill of quantities by means of filters.
    • Heat exchanger
The "Hot water" button in the lower right-hand corner of the group is used to access the options for defining the elements in this group.

These options are equivalent to those available in "Design and check options to be carried out" under "General options" in the "Project" group.

Entering consumptions in the water supply system

In the "Installation" tab within the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Consumption" group of the main toolbar, there are options for entering the consumption of the water supply system:


This is used to enter consumptions in the water supply system.

When entering or editing a consumption, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option, which is accessed via "Calculation options" in the "General options", is deactivated:

  • Consumption reference
    Selects the type of consumption by its reference. These types can be created and edited in the "Design and checks to be carried out" section of the "General options" of the "Project" group. The program also provides information on their "Reference on plan".
  • General data
    Permite definir los datos generales del elemento. Algunos de estos valores se pueden bloquear o desbloquear. Si un valor está bloqueado, aUsed to define the general data of the element. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked, it is not modified when updating the results and remains unchanged.
    • Cold water pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Sets the cold water pressure in the consumption. This option appears in "Hydromixer" or "Cold water" type consumptions.
    • Hot water pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Sets the hot water pressure in the consumption. This option appears in "Hydromixer" or "Cold water" type consumptions.
  • 3D layout
    Sets the position and angle of the element. This section only appears when editing a previously entered element.
    • Position (x, y, z)
    • Angle
  • Label (optional)
    Manages the information visible in the element's label.
    • Reference
  • Bill of quantities
    Controls the generation of the element's bill of quantities using filters.
    • Consumption
  • Consult checks
    Used to consult and list the checks carried out on the element. These checks can be activated, edited or deactivated from "Design and check options to be carried out", in the "General options" of the "Project" group.
The "Consumption" option in the lower right-hand corner of the group can be used to access the options for defining the elements of this group.

These options are equivalent to those available in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section, within the "General options" of the "Project" group.

Consumptions with a checked box will be available as additional quick-access options in this tool group. This allows for quick entry of the desired consumptions.

Coordination between consumptions and discharges in water supply and evacuation systems

In the "Installation" tab within the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Consumption" group of the main toolbar, there is an option that can be used to coordinate consumption and discharges in the water supply and evacuation systems:

This feature is equivalent to the one found under the "Installation" tab of the "Sanitary Systems" tab in the "Discharges" group of the main toolbar:

Clicking on the option opens a window that displays a table with three columns:

  • Link
  • Consumptions
  • Discharges

The consumption associated with each discharge can be defined in the program by selecting it in each of the entries in the table. This way, when a consumption is entered in the "Water Systems" tab, the associated discharge is automatically entered in the "Sanitary Systems" tab, and vice versa, when a discharge is entered in the "Sanitary Systems" tab, the associated consumption is automatically entered in the "Water Systems" tab.

If the "Link" checkbox is ticked, the associated consumption and discharge will remain linked for editing operations such as moving them. Thus, moving the consumption will also move the discharge.

By default, toilets are loaded with the "Link" box deactivated, due to the difference in position in the space between the inlet and outlet for this type of unit.

With the "Configuration" option in the top right corner, the consumption and discharge settings for different countries or environments can be loaded automatically.

Inserting pipes into the water supply system

Within the "Installation" tab of the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Pipes" group of the main toolbar, there are options for entering the pipes of the water supply system:


Allows pipes to be inserted into the water supply system in any position.

When inserting or editing a pipe, the following parameters can be configured. Some parameters only appear if the "Simplified entry" option, accessed from "Design options" under "General options", is deactivated:

  • Reference
    Element reference. This value can be locked or unlocked. If unlocked, the program will create or modify the reference when updating results.
  • Pipe reference
    Allows the pipe type to be selected by its reference and depending on whether it is a "Cold water", "Hot water", "Hot water return", "Auxiliary supply" or "Auxiliary return" pipe. These types can be created and edited from the "Project" group, in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section of the "General options". The program also provides information on the "Material reference". The pipe reference can be locked or unlocked. If it is unlocked, the program can modify the pipe reference when updating results according to their arrangement in the model.
  • General data
    Defines the element's general data. Some of these values can be locked or unlocked. If a value is locked, it is not modified when updating the results and remains unchanged.
    • Pipe diameter (Lock/Unlock)
      Allows the pipe diameter to be selected from those available in the series. The materials and equipment in the system can be created and edited from "Material and equipment selection", in the "General options" of the "Project" group.
    • Temperature (Lock/Unlock)
    • Inlet pressure (Lock/Unlock)
      Defines the inlet pressure in the pipe.
    • Equivalent length (Lock/Unlock)
    • Worse case span (optional) (Lock/Unlock)
    • Most favourable span (optional) (Lock/Unlock)
  • Flow
    Used to define the flow rate of the pipe. In the dialogue box accessible from the button on the right-hand side, the "Cold water flow rate" or "Hot water flow rate" values that will affect the upstream section that will feed the pipe being edited or entered can be specified. The values shown in the main pipe editing panel correspond to those of the pipe being edited or entered are as follows:
    • Gross flow
    • Consumptions
    • Simultaneity
  • 3D layout
    Used to check or edit the coordinates of the points of the polygonal line that defines the position of the pipe in the model. This section only appears when editing a previously entered pipe.
    • X, Y, Z
  • Label (optional)
    Manages the information visible in the element's label.
    • Reference
    • Length
    • Diameter
    • Insulation
  • Bill of quantities
    Controls the generation of the element's bill of quantities using filters.
    • Pipe
    • Insulation
  • Consult checks
    Used to consult and list the checks carried out on the element. These checks can be activated, edited or deactivated from "Design and check options to be carried out", in the "General options" of the "Project" group.
  • Design
    This tool, available from the button in the bottom right corner of the pipe editing panel, allows the pipe to be automatically designed to meet the defined checks.

Multiple pipes

This option allows multiple or parallel pipes to be inserted into the water supply system in any position.

By clicking on this option, the program can define the characteristics and relative layout of one or more pipes by adding entries in the table. The following parameters must be entered:

  • Reference
    Reference of each pipe.
  • Spacing
    Spacing of each pipe with respect to the insertion line in the model.
  • Elevation
    The elevation of each pipe with respect to the insertion line in the model.

After being inserted, the model, geometry and properties of each of the pipes inserted using this option can be edited like any other pipe, without maintaining a link with the other pipes inserted at the same time.

Pipes between levels

The "Between levels" option is used to insert water supply pipes between levels.

When clicking on this option, the program can define the pipe properties by means of an editing panel identical to the one that appears when using the "Pipe" option.

Then, in the "Properties - Vertical pipe" dialogue box, the level associated with the "Final point" of the pipe is defined, together with a "Displacement" above the indicated level, expressed in positive or negative values. The starting point of the pipe is marked with the cursor on a point in the work area.

Thus, the pipe is laid out from the working plane elevation of the active view to the elevation defined by the selected level and the displacement indicated in the aforementioned dialogue box.

Generating vertical pipes

The program offers two tools for the automatic generation of vertical pipes connecting other elements (e.g. pipes or consumptions) previously arranged in the model.

  • The first option generates the vertical pipes at all points of the job where possible.
  • The second option generates the vertical pipes between the elements selected by the user, if possible.

After using any of these tools, the program reports the number of generated vertical pipes. From here, users can edit or delete the pipes created in the process if they wish to do so.

Esta herramienta solamente genera una tubería vertical entre dos elementos This tool only generates a vertical pipe between two elements located at different heights if their ends, or if the points where the vertical connection pipe is to be placed, have the same coordinates on the plan.

The "Pipes" option in the bottom right-hand corner of the group can be used to access the options for defining the elements in this group.

These options are the same as those available in the "Design and check options to be carried out" section, in the "General options" of the "Project" group.

Editing pipes in water supply and evacuation systems

In the "Installation" tab under the "Water Systems" tab, in the "Pipes" group of the main toolbar, there are options for editing the geometry of the water supply system pipes:

These features are also available for editing the pipe geometry of the water evacuation system in the "Installation" tab under the "Sanitary Systems" tab in the "Pipes" group of the main toolbar:

Add points

Adds intermediate points to pipes. The pipe remains as a single element without being divided.

Delete points

Deletes intermediate points of the pipes. The pipeline remains as a single element without being divided.


Joins two pipes into a single pipe, generating the connection span if necessary. The resulting pipe adopts the properties of the first pipe selected when using the option.


Divides a pipe in two at the selected point.

Extend/trim element

Used to lengthen or shorten a pipe with respect to a reference pipe. The first selected pipe serves as a reference, while the second selected pipe is lengthened or shortened after using the option. The program can be used to preview the resulting geometry when the second selection is made.

Extend/trim to intersection

Used to lengthen or shorten two selected pipes to their intersection point. The program can be used to preview the resulting geometry when the second selection is made.

Integration into the platform

Many of CYPE's programs are connected to the platform and allow collaborative work to be carried out via the exchange of files in formats based on open standards.

Please note that, to work on, users can register on the platform free of charge and create a profile.

When accessing a program connected to the platform, the program connects to a project in This way, the files of the projects that have been developed collaboratively in are kept up to date.

More information:
For further details related to using CYPE software via the platform, please click on this link.