Update history​


Analysing the sinking resistance of piles using allowable bearing pressures

Version 2025.d includes the option to select the calculation mode of the pile sinking resistance in the module "Piles I: Calculation of sinking load":

  • By indicating the "Geotechnical parameters" (available since previous version -2025.c)

  • By indicating the "Allowable bearing pressures"(implemented in version 2025.d)
    This option is used to calculate the pile considering the allowable bearing pressures defined in the geotechnical study. This feature also introduces the possibility to include the effect of "negative friction" by entering negative values.

This selection is made in the "Advanced setup" dialogue box (Job menu > General data > "Foundation elements with external fixity" option > "Advanced settings" option).

Implementation. NTC-2018 (Italy)

Norme Tecniche per le Construzioni NTC-2018.

Implemented in CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Portal frame generator for checking rolled and reinforced steel sections.

Other improvements and corrections

CYPECAD version 2025.d includes the following program improvements and corrections for some specific cases:

  • An error that occurred when consulting the node checks has been fixed. This error could occur in some cases after editing a frame from the checks panel.

  • A systematic error that occurred when importing a CYPE 3D structure with aluminium sections as an integrated 3D structure has been fixed.

  • The checking of bar spacing has been improved. Previously it was being done with the limitations of the EHE08 standard.

  • An error that could occur in the "Check the geometry of the current group" option in the "Analysis" menu has been fixed. This error occurred if vertical loads had been defined on any column.

  • Wind action according to ASCE 7-10. Correction in the gust factor analysis.
    In the case of applying the wind action standard ASCE 7-10, the criteria for classifying a structure as rigid or flexible has been corrected for the purpose of analysing the gust factor according to 26.9. Up until now, the program classified a structure as rigid if it met the requirements for "Low-rise building" (section 26.2). From this version onwards, a structure is classified as rigid if it meets these requirements, or if the natural frequency of the structure is equal to or higher than 1Hz.

  • An error that could occur in the "Export in CSV format" when the value of the thousands separator symbol in the Windows configuration was a blank string has been fixed.

  • An error that occurred systematically when consulting the "Critical perimeter" check on punching bolts if the selected standard is "Eurocode (Spain)" has been fixed.

  • The import of integrated 3D structures from a CYPE 3D work has been improved. In some cases, the import was not allowed to be carried out because it was not correct to check that all the nodes with external links were at the same level.

  • An error that occurred when designing columns has been fixed. This error occurred systematically if a concrete column with a rectangular or circular section had been defined, which started on a concrete column with a generic section.

  • The "Deformed" option has been improved. The "View structure" check is now functional. This option was accidentally removed when making an upgrade in a previous patch.

  • An error that used to occur when designing frames has been fixed. This could occur for beams with variable depth, whose upper plane was not horizontal.

  • An error has been fixed in the "Transverse reinforcement > Match reinforcement spans" option in the portal frame editor. This error could sometimes occur when editing the "Layout" after selecting a span.

  • An error that occurred in the fire resistance check of columns has been fixed. This error could occur in certain cases, when the µfi value was greater than 1.

  • An error that could occur when checking concrete nodes has been fixed. This error could eventually occur in the case of having defined several steel beams connected to a concrete column during the process of analysing the job without obtaining the reinforcement.

  • An error in the frame editor has been fixed. The functionality of the "Centre beam" check, which inadvertently stopped working in patch 2025.c due to changes related to hardware acceleration in the editor, has been restored.

  • The import of jobs from BIMserver.center and those created from an IFC has been improved. In some cases, depending on the definition of the columns in the source program, the position and fixed point of some columns were not correctly interpreted.

  • In CYPE 3D and CYPECAD the "Reports on a selection of elements" has been improved. The language can now be taken into account to obtain reports and drawings.

  • The design of solid slabs and waffle slabs has been improved. Loads associated with user static earthquake loads can now be assigned.

  • The drawing of joist lengths on screen and in drawings has been improved. Previously it was not displayed for joists with a length shorter than the length of the text.

  • The "Drawing composition" with beam frame drawings has been improved. In some cases, after moving a frame, it was not displayed in the new position, even though the change of position had occurred.

  • The inclined beam drawing has been improved. If "Quantities summary" has been selected, an empty box is no longer displayed when there is no concrete beam.

  • The "Reinforcement ratios, per diameter", ‘Foundation element report", "Strip footing report" have been improved. Previously, if the selected concrete standard was ACI type, "Grade x" type steels were shown as "Grade x".

  • The "Sloped floor slabs/El. Changes" panel has been improved. The colours for white wallpaper were always displayed, now the colours for the selected wallpaper are displayed.

  • An error has been fixed in the "Punching shear" option. This error occurred when defining a panel delimited by two extended columns joined at their ends by beams, and this panel is inside another one.
  • The search for references has been improved. The search for shear wall references was not being carried out.

  • The creation of jobs from a CYPE 3D job has been improved. The library of aluminium sections is now imported.

  • The fire checking of beams has been improved. Beams embedded in walls and crown beams are now checked.

  • An error that occurred when inserting walls has been fixed. This error could occur when inserting a wall in an open job after having inserted walls with a defined pressure law.

  • The drawing of beam axes in drawings has been improved. In some cases, with beams facing each other and depending on the angle between them, the axis of one of them could extend outside the plan.
  • An error that could occur when editing the reinforcement of a portal frame, after having modified the width of a beam in contact with an abacus, has been fixed.

  • The "Assign base reinforcement" option has been improved. In some cases, if there were floors with different edges on the same floor, it was not possible to assign a valid base reinforcement for the selected panel.

  • An error in the generation of floor plans has been fixed. This error could occur if floor plans and beam portal plans are generated at the same time and the floor plans show anchor plate details. Instead of showing anchor plate details, some beam portal frames could be shown.

  • The "Renumber" option in "Columns, shear walls and starts" has been improved. If the initial reference was P01, the next one generated was P2. In version 2025.d it is P02.

  • The "Template object snaps" have been improved. There is now one selection for the "Column definition" tab and another selection for all other tabs. In addition, each time the program is opened, the last selections made are maintained.

  • An error in the columns schedule drawing that could occur if the diameter of the abutment branches at the start was different from the diameter of the trusses has been fixed.

  • An error that could occur when opening a job showing the message "(trv) != NULL" has been fixed. This error is due to an inconsistency in the data of the intersection of several beams. Now a message is displayed to redo the geometry at that intersection.

  • The "Design options" panel that is displayed when designing a job has been improved. If none of the possible options can be activated, it is not displayed. This condition was not working correctly in the "Simplification of the design model" options.

  • An error that occurred when defining a box has been fixed. The error occurred systematically if the assigned name was over eight characters long.

  • An error that could occur in the modelling process of hollow core plates and composite slabs has been fixed. This error could occur when the side beams of these panels were almost parallel to the direction of the slabs, or mixed slabs.

  • The beam portal editor has been improved. The "Centre on the beam" option had no effect. This started to happen in version 2025.b due to changes made to use hardware acceleration in this editor.

  • The beam portal editor has been improved. When exiting the editor without making any changes, checks were not carried out. In version 2025.c, the checks were always carried out by mistake.

  • An error that could occur when checking the forces of a column with beam connections at different heights in a floor has been fixed.

  • The export of members from integrated 3D structures to IFC has been improved. They are now exported as beams or columns depending on their layout (in the same way as in the 3D view).

  • The export of beams to IFC has been improved. If any of the "Beam numbering criteria" options are active, the beam reference is now exported considering the selected option.

  • The display of contour plots has been improved. The colour of the texts is now determined according to the luminance of the background on which they are displayed, choosing between black or white to make them easier to read.

  • An error that occurred when drawing foundation elements has been fixed. This error could happen occasionally due to tie beams or strap beams overlapping with other beams in a foundation element. Now, when this occurs, a warning is displayed when saving the floor plan.

  • The drawing of the fixed point of columns in the layout plane has been improved. In the case of a column with a displacement and an angle other than 0, it was drawn without considering the rotation of the column.

  • The beam portal frame editor has been improved. It is now possible to edit portal frames after the results of the job have been lost due to a change in the data entry. Some portal frames may not be editable as the data available for them is not consistent due to the changes made.

  • The 3D view of piles has been improved. They are now displayed with their actual length.

  • An error that could occur when opening a job, after having deleted a floor where "Parapet" type building elements had been defined, has been solved.

  • The generation of bolts "At corners" has been improved. In some cases, in columns rotated by more than 45º, the bolts corresponding to one of the corners were not generated correctly.

  • The column distortion report has been improved. If a column is exempt in a floor plan, a single span will be considered instead of two, which was previously the case.

  • The design of waffle slabs has been improved. Previously, when a section needed to be reinforced with more than 255 bars of the maximum diameter, the program displayed a warning and did not continue with the design. Now, in this case, 255 bars of the maximum diameter are placed and it continues with the design of the rest of the elements. The bars that have been designed in this way are shown with the text "Insuf." In these cases, a "Reinforcement in slab area outside table range" warning is displayed in the final design report.

  • The display of contour plots has been improved, allowing much faster drawing in some cases. This improvement is particularly noticeable when the selected colour range is discrete and the number of colours is large. In these circumstances, the display time used to be considerably longer, depending on the values displayed and the geometry of the elements, whereas now it is significantly faster.

  • An error that occurred in the analysis when a ramp was not correctly defined has been fixed. In these cases, a warning is first issued and you are asked if you wish to continue.

  • An error that could occur when obtaining beam portal frame quantities in certain cases, when a section of the portal frame corresponded to a beam under a floor slab and was in contact with both an opening and a floor slab, has been fixed.

  • An error that occurred in the "Forces in columns, shear walls and walls" option when selecting a wall that starts at a higher level than the foundation level has been fixed.

  • The detection of support elements at the ends of ramps and staircases has been improved. Previously, walls whose axis was not defined in the centre were not processed correctly.

  • The editing of beam frames has been improved. When editing from the "Beam errors" option, the text of the stirrups was drawn twice in different positions, which prevented them from being displayed correctly.
  • The splicing of the longitudinal reinforcement bars of columns has been improved when the "Splice at the centre zone of the span" option is active. Previously, it was done as shown in "1", and now with the improvement as shown in "2" (see image).

Soil loads on footings

In versions prior to 2025.d, the weight of the soil on the footings could be taken into account by manually entering loads. As of version 2025.d, the ergonomics have been improved thanks to a new option that allows the thickness of the soil on the footing and its density to be defined, in order to generate the loads automatically. The option is available in the general job data for all footings. It can also be applied locally to each of the footings by means of an equivalent option available when editing the foundation.

Force distribution in walls and shear walls

Up until version 2025.d, the checking of displacements, forces and stresses could only be carried out using simple loadcases. As of 2025.d, this now includes the possibility to perform this check both for a given combination and for the maximum and minimum envelopes. In addition to displaying the contour plots, the values at the points of the wall can be consulted.

Recovering the reinforcement of joist floor slabs

As of version 2025.d, it is now possible to save a copy of the negative reinforcement of joist floor slabs that can be recovered later if the job needs to be reanalysed. The options to save and recover the copy of the negative reinforcement are available for both joist floor slabs and the new precast concrete joist floor slab systems.

Precast concrete joist floor slab systems. Joists with lattice girders

In version 2025.c, the possibility of using precast concrete joist floor slab systems was implemented in CYPECAD. Now, in version 2025.d, the possibility of using joists with with lattice girders is implemented. A system or assembly is defined by the selection of a joist, a vault and the thickness of the compression layer. The selection of the precast elements is done by using the manufacturer's product catalogues that have been incorporated into the program.

The program designs the most suitable joist from those available for the selected assembly, as well as the reinforcement to be installed on site to comply with the safety requirements established by the standard. To this end, checks are carried out on the ultimate and serviceability limit states, as well as other geometric and quantity checks. To carry out the checks, the real section of the concrete is generated, both precast and poured on site, with its corresponding reinforcement.

The checks can be consulted and listed in detail, and any modification made by the user to the result proposed by the program will have an effect on the checks.

The floor systems are available for the concrete standards Structural Code and Eurocode 2 (including the various national annexes). In addition to the requirements of the concrete standard, the provisions of EN - 15037 have been considered, which complements the specifications for the particular case of precast joists.

Code implementation

CYPECAD version 2025.d includes the implementation of codes for rolled and reinforced steel structures, wind actions and seismic actions. In the "Implementing codes and improving their enforcement" section for the new features of version 2025.d, you can consult the codes included in all CYPE programs in this version.

The following have been included in CYPECAD:

  • Rolled and reinforced steel structures
    • NTC-2018 (Italy)
  • Loads on structures. Wind loads
    • CFE 2020 (Mexico)
    • NSCP 2015 (Philippines)
  • Loads on structures. Seismic loads
    • NSCP 2015 (Philippines)
    • TBDY 2018 (Turkey)

Implementation. TBDY 2018 (Turkey)

Turkish Building Seismic Code.

Implemented in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D.

Implementation. NSCP 2015 (Philippines)

National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015. Volume 1: Buildings, towers and other vertical structures.

Implemented in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D.

Implementation. NSCP 2015 (Philippines)

National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015. Volume 1: Buildings, towers and other vertical structures.

Implemented in CYPECAD and Portal frame generator.

Implementation. CFE 2020 (Mexico)

Comisión Federal de electricidad. Manual de Diseño de Obras Civiles. Diseño por Viento. Sección C: Estructuras. Tema 1: Criterios generales de análisis y diseño. México 2020.

Implemented in CYPECAD and Portal frame generator.