Update history​

CYPELEC Networks

Thermal adjustment for switches with thermomagnetic triggers

When the adjustment of the thermal trigger in the curve of a thermomagnetic switch is to be activated, it can be selected when this switch model is introduced in the electrical installation.

Short circuit currents at a relative position of the cable

A cable or transmission line that is situated between two buses. CYPELEC Networks calculates the short circuit currents in both buses, i.e. calculates the current at either end of the cable.

The program has an option that allows users to calculate short circuit currents at a relative position of the cable as well as at its ends. To do so, the “Short circuit at a relative distance of the cable” option must be activated and users have to indicate the relative position (between 0 and 1) where the short circuit occurs. After the analysis, the program will display the results of this short circuit next to the representation of the cable or transmission line.

Short circuit currents

With the 2018.k version, the calculation of short circuit currents in accordance with the IEC 60909 international code is added to the calculation of load flows.

The “Short circuit” section has been created in the toolbar of the program, which includes all the options that allow users to configure and obtain the design results of the short circuit currents:

  •  Calculation of the short circuit current
  •  Analysis of the short circuit loadcases
  •  Results view
  •  Results report
  •  Design settings
  •  Checks
  •  Show/Hide results

Calculation of the short circuit current 

Calculates the initial symmetrical short circuit current in the electrical installation for the following short circuit types:

  • Three-phase short circuit current
  • Two-phase short circuit current
  • Two-phase earth connection short circuit current
  • Single-phase earth connection short circuit current

Analysis of short circuit loadcases 

With this option, a dialogue box opens where users can view, for each loadcase, two tables which display the design results of the short circuit currents (Results tab) and the short circuit check for switches (Protection tab).

  • Results tab
    Displays a table containing all the short circuit currents that have been calculated, by phase, maximum and minimum values.

  • Protection tab
    Shows a table that displays the switches that are contained in the installation and checks that the cut-off power of the switch is greater than the maximum short circuit current.

Results view 

This option opens a new toolbar that allows users to configure the view of the results on-screen. Users can choose to:

  • View the three-phase short circuit current, two-phase short circuit current, two-phase earth connection short circuit current or single-phase earth connection short circuit current, or all at once.
  • Select the desired short circuit phase.
  • Select the maximum or minimum short circuit currents.

Results report 

Displays a table containing the short circuit currents, with the maximum and minimum values for each bus displayed in bold. It should be noted that the type of short circuit that gives rise to the highest current depends on the direct sequence, inverse and homopolar short circuit impedance of the system.

Design settings 

This button opens a dialogue box containing 5 sections:

  • Voltage factor “c” to calculate the maximum and minimum short circuit currents
    Specified in this section are the values of voltage factor “c” of table 1 of the IEC 60909-0 code. These values can be modified and its value affects the calculation of the maximum and minimum short circuit currents.
  • Default impedance
    Users have the option to specify a default impedance value for cases where they consider that the short circuit is not clear (with null impedance).
  • Cut-off power in switches according to the IEC standard
    In this section, users can choose the cut-off power (serviceability or ultimate) that is compared with the maximum short circuit current, for the specific short circuit check of the switch.
  • Selection of loadcases to analyse
    Users can select the loadcases with which the short circuit can be calculated.
  • Selection of the elements to analyse
    The buses or relative positions of the cable for which the short circuit current is to be calculated can be selected here.


This option displays a panel containing the short circuit checks that fail. One of these is the validity of the short circuit switches that have been installed.

Show/Hide results 

Shows or hides the short circuit results on-screen.

Integration of TOP CABLE in the manufacturer elements

The following TOP CABLE families have been added to the manufacturer cable library:

  • TOXFREE ZH ES05Z1-K and H07Z1-K (AS)
  • TOPFLEX V-K H05V-K and H07V-K

This way, more options are available when having to select the conductor for the installations. Even thought the complete catalogue is not available, the families provided by TOP CABLE cover the needs of their clients in a high percentage of the installations. Nonetheless, work is being carried out to increase this library and offer our users a greater variety of conductors.

Manufacturer cables are selected using the “Manufacturer cable” option in the “Type of conductor” of the “Description” of the line. The “Cable” panel offers users the possibility to select amongst the families that are imported to the library. The program will show a list of filtered elements so that only those that are compatible with the polarity and type of selected conductor are displayed, this way selection errors are avoided.

Common protection for several cables

If a common circuit breaker protection is provided for several lines (as shown in the figure), in the panel corresponding to the protection, the checks are displayed with all the cables that are further down the line (in the example, the checks of the common protection are also listed with the three cables that follow it).

Quick editing in the Checks panel

Once the load flow analysis has been completed, the “Checks” button , contained in the “Load flow” block of the top toolbar, provides users with a list of the elements that fail in the installation.

A column has been added to this Checks panel, for each element, where users can open and edit the element in question and solve the situation that causes the element to fail in a quick and accessible manner.

Once the element is edited using this method, its row will be displayed in red and the panel will then indicated that a new analysis has to be launched to update the results.

New project example

The project example “General industry” has been added corresponding to the electrical installation of an industry.

Selection of loadcases to analyse

In the “Settings” option of the “Load flow” section of the toolbar, users can now select the loadcases which are to be analysed. This selection affects the analysis process of the loadcase in such a way that only the properties and results of the loadcases selected in this section will be referred to.

Loadcase analysis

The definitions of status loadcases were included in the 2018.c version of CYPELEC Networks.

Now, in the 2018.e version, a powerful tool has been introduced to analyse all the loadcases that have been defined, which allows users to view the results of all the loadcases quickly and clearly. This tool allows users to obtain a global view of the results provided by the load flow analysis for all loadcases and aids them to adopt solutions to comply with the corresponding loadcases.

This tool is selected by pressing the “Loadcase analysis” button  located in the “Load flow” section of the toolbar, which opens a panel containing the loadcases that have been defined and their corresponding analysis results, all of which is organised in several tabs:

  • Information tab
    Shown in this tab are the design properties of the loadcases selected on the left, such as the number of buses, branches, generators, supplies and loads each loadcase consists of. The initial reference bus for the analysis of the load flow calculation is also specified as well as the resultant generation power.
  • Buses tab
    The resultant voltage values in PU in each bus for each loadcase are transferred here and are compared with the allowable accumulated voltage drop values that have been defined in General settings.
  • Cables tab
    The “Cables” tab is sub-divided into 4 sections:

    Shows the resultant design current that flows through each cable or transmission line, and is compared with its ampacity.

Maximum voltage drop
Shows the resultant voltage drop due to the impedance and admittance of the cable or transmission line, and is compared with the maximum voltage drop that has been introduced in the Edit panel.

Maximum error between the nominal voltage and operating voltage (%)
Shows the percentage resultant error between the nominal voltage and operating voltage, and it is compared with the value that is introduced in the Edit panel of the cable or transmission line.

Maximum imbalance between phases (%)
Shows the percentage resultant imbalance between the most loaded phase and the least loaded, and is compared with the maximum imbalance value between phases that has been introduced in the Edit panel of the cable or transmission line.

  • Loads tab
    Here, represented for each loadcase, are the values of the active and reactive power of the loads, which are affected by the use and simultaneity criteria specified for each loadcase.
  • Supplies tab
    The resultant values of the active and reactive power generated by each supply are displayed for each loadcase, in accordance with the load flow calculation.
  • Protection tab
    Also for each loadcase, represented in this tab is the check that relates the nominal or protection regulating current, with the design current of the line and ampacity of the cable it protects.

Installation types in accordance with IEC 60364-5-52

Allowable current tables of the IEC 60364-5-52 have been added to the list of tables described in the NEC to be used in the ampacity calculation of ANSI cables.

This way, depending on the chosen reference installation method and the properties of the selected cable, the program will provide the allowable current of IEC conductors. This improvement allows users to use the program for European installation and for countries that use square millimetre sections.

The program includes Prysmian cables in its library, so users have cable families of both standards (ANSI and IEC) available.

New project example

The example “TriNet6Hyp” has been included as an example, which includes six design loadcases in an electrical installation.

Improvement in the "Status loadcase" window

The 2018.d version of CYPELEC Networks includes substantial improvements in the window that displays the status loadcases:

  • The information is displayed as a table
  • Its speed has been increased
  • As well as being able to view the state conditions of fuses, switches, contacts and operating regimes of generators and motors, the diversity conditions of buses and use of loads are included.
  • To manage the important amount of information due to a large number of loadcases and elements, a filter tool has been added to the window to select the equipment or element category to be viewed.