Associated programs

Editing tools

In the "Edit" group of the main toolbar of the "Installation" tab, either in the "Water Systems" tab or in the "Sanitary Systems" tab, the following tools can be found:

Editing tools in the "Water Systems" tab
Editing tools in the "Sanitary Systems" tab


The options in this menu allow the following operations to be performed on the element labels:

Move tag in 2D modeMoves the selected tag on the element's floor plan.
Move tag in 3D modeMoves the selected tag in the 3D space.
Move tag to the initial pointReturns the tag of the selected element to the initial point.
Show/hide tagShows or hides the selected element's tag.
Place or remove the reference line of the tagShows or hides the line linking the tag to the selected element it refers to.
Rotate tagRotate the tag over its position.
LabelEdits the composition of the labels of different categories of elements and the size of the text.


The options in this menu allow the following editing operations to be carried out on the elements of the system entered in the model:

EditEdits the parametric properties of the selected element in the model.
DeleteDeletes a previously entered element.
Move elementMoves an element or a node of an element.
Move a group of elementsMoves a group of elements.
Rotate elementRotates an element about the "x", "y" or "z" axis.
Rotate a group of elementsRotate a group of elements.
CopyCreates a copy of one or more elements.
AssignAssigns the parametric properties of the selected element to other elements.
Symmetry (copy)Copies a selection of elements with symmetry with respect to a vertical plane defined by two points.
Symmetry (move)Moves a selection of elements with symmetry about a vertical plane defined by two points.
Copy onto another floor planCreates a copy of the selected elements in the desired floor plans. This feature is only available on floor plans.
Measure lengths on planMeasures lengths and angles between points defined in the model. If a closed outline is selected, it also indicates the area.
ProjectionSwitches to the plan projection (XY plane) in the work area.


Searches for an element by entering a text with its full reference or part of its reference.

  • Only whole word (optional)
    If this box is checked, only the elements that match the entered text in full will be searched for.

When doing this, the program locates the element in the model by means of magenta lines in the main directions of the space and an enveloping volume of the same colour.


The options in this menu allow the following drawing resources to be entered in a plan view:

The display of these elements can be activated or deactivated using the "Editing resources" checkbox in the "Layer configuration" panel, located by default on the left-hand side of the general interface.
ElevationEnters an elevation between two selected points, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
LineInserts a line between two selected points, indicating its colour and thickness.
TextEnter a text and a reference line, indicating its colour, the line thickness and the text size.
Text boxEnter a left-aligned, right-aligned or centred text box, indicating the colour and size of the text, the properties of the frame and the background fill.
ArcEnter an arc and, optionally, its radius, indicating the line colour, line thickness and text size.
CircleEnter a circle and its radius or diameter, optionally, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
RectangleEnter a rectangle and, optionally, its area, indicating the line colour, line thickness and text size.
AreaEnter a dotted polygon and, optionally, its area, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.
PolylineInserts a polyline by points, indicating its colour and thickness.
EditEdit the properties of the selected drawing resource.
DeleteDeletes the selected drawing resources.
MoveMoves the selected drawing resource or parts of it.
AssignEnter a circle and its radius or diameter, optionally, indicating the line colour, line thickness, and text size.


Keeping this option activated highlights the elements in the system where a warning or error has occurred in relation to their insertion or editing by means of an incident system, as in the case of disconnected elements, when they were inserted in the model. The descriptive message of said warning or error is displayed by hovering the cursor over each incident.