Update history​


Configure decimals. Truncate

The possibility of truncating decimals of any of the magnitudes (prices, performances, amounts ...) that are defined in the "Decimals" dialogue box (Show menu> Settings> Decimals) has been implemented. Therefore, as of the 2019.g version, users can configure the decimals of each magnitude using the following options:

  • Not rounded
    Arquimedes works with all the decimals of the magnitude configured in this way.
  • Rounded
    configured this way are rounded to the indicated number of decimals.
  • Truncate
    Magnitudes configured this way are truncated with the indicated number of decimals.

Even though the following considerations already existed before the “Truncate” option was implemented in the decimals configuration, please recall that:

  • If a certification has been closed, it will not be possible to modify the configuration of the decimals corresponding to the quantity and certification tables.
  • Before modifying the decimal configuration, the program automatically copies the database so changes that imply the modification of the decimal configuration can be undone. The list of safety copies can be found in “Processes” > “Database copies list”.

More functions to calculate the value of user columns

The features of user columns are extended with two new functions when defining calculation expressions in calculated user columns::

    Indicates the type of data contained in the cells of the user column represented by the parameter "n" (with a value between 1 and 15). The return value is "0" (contains text) or "1" (contains a numeric value).
    Returns the numerical value contained in the cell of the user column indicated by the parameter "n" (with value between 1 and 15). If the value of parameter 'n' is out of range, an error will occur and the text "Error" will be displayed in the cells of the column.

64-bit Version

As of the 2019.f version, CYPE programs (those downloaded from our website and those downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform) are compiled for 64-bit systems. The 64-bit compilation of CYPE software implies the use of the superior features of 64-bit processors and operating systems compared to those of 32 bits.

Please bear in mind that you must have a 64-bit operating system to be able to work with any 64-bit software.

In any case and as a temporary measure, the 2019.f version is available in 64 and 32 bits on the download area of our webpage. The programs that can be downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform are only available in 64 bits. If you have a 64-bit operating system, you can work with either the 64-bit and 32-bit version of our software, although we strongly recommend that you install the 64-bit CYPE software version.

You can see which operating system is installed on your computer by clicking on "Control panel > System".

Since 64-bit microprocessors began to be massively introduced into personal computers from 2003 and from the Windows XP version, Microsoft already offers the two versions of its operating systems (32 and 64 bits). We understand that almost all our users will have computers with 64-bit processors (x64) and 64-bit operating systems.

It could occur that a user may wish to work with a computer with a 64-bit processor but with a 32-bit operating system. It would be very strange if the computer had a 32-bit processor (x86 - computers over 15 years old). If any of these is your case, we advise you to talk to your hardware or software provider to update your situation as soon as possible. However, you can download the 32-bit version and work with CYPE programs that can be downloaded from our website until your situation is up-to-date.

Export the “Floors” and “Ceilings” categories of the “Rooms”

The information on rooms that use the “Floors” and “Ceilings” categories has been incorporated to the data of BIM model in Revit that is exported to Arquimedes. This way Arquimedes can indicate in the comments section of the quantity tables of the room that a specific floor or ceiling is used.

To compose the connects of the quantity lines in the quantity extraction process, having added a job item of the bill of quantities to a type of the BIM model, the “Comments composition” button Composición de comentarios , in the quantities table, must be selected, and add the element “Room” Elemento Habitación to the Category, Family, or Type.

To establish whether an element belongs to a specific room, the element must be defined in or in contact with the correspondent room.

Quantities from Revit models and other linked Revit models

A Revit model can have links to other Revit models. As of the 2019.d version, Arquimedes can extract the quantities of Revit models that are linked to the main or central Revit model.

Arquimedes users can select the linked models whose quantities are to be extracted. The program will request the selection of links to extract the quantities (as can be seen in the attached image), when a Revit project has been linked with an Arquimedes project or when a quantities extraction file (mcsv) has been generated.

As of previous versions, if there is already a link between the Arquimedes project and the Revit project (or if a quantities extraction file of a Revit project has been generated), when the process is carried out again, a panel appears that allows the two links (or extractions) to be compared. As of the 2019.d version, this comparison includes the quantities of the Revit models that have been linked to the main Revit model.

Configuration of the Job item assignment dialogue and quantity extraction from the Revit model

The 2019.d version of Arquimedes allows users to configure the view of the “Job item assignment and quantity extraction” panel, to help them with the Revit model connection process in accordance with its preferences or types of monitors.

To access the configuration of the Revit links editor, the button New modules and programs. CYPEPLUMBING Water systems. Click to enlarge the image must be selected (quantity extraction) that is present in the Decomposition tree window, and choose the “Configure Revit links editor” option.

Users can choose amongst 4 types of views:

  • Automatic
    This is the option that is active by default. With it, the data distribution that will be shown in the “Job item assignment and quantity extraction” panel will depend on the type of format of the monitor that is being used (width to height ratio).
  • Panoramic
  • Classic
  • Personalised
    Using this type of view, users decide how to distribute the data of the “Job item assignment and quantity extraction” panel.

Configuration of automatic backups

Since previous versions, Arquimedes carries out automatic backups every so often (users can configure this period in File > Preferences > Auto-save time), or when specific processes are carried out (change of currency, price increases, budget adjustment...). As of the 2019.d version, users can configure the automatic backup procedure of these processes.

To do so, the “Automatic backup configuration” panel has been created: File > Preferences > Automatic backup configuration. Users can also use the “Automatic copies” button of the “Processes > Safety copies of the database” menu.

In the new panel (Automatic backup configuration), the options that can be configured for each process are:

  • Always create a backup
  • Do not create a backup
  • Ask before creating a backup

The maximum number of backup copies that are to be kept can also be indicated in the same panel.

The way in which the automatic backups are configured is important, especially, when the database contains a lot of information because each backup can take up a significant amount of space in the storage device.

Errors corrected in Arquimedes

Under certain conditions, the Arquimedes module: "Automatic quantity import from drawings and link with CAD programs" caused an error when the quantities had been exported from the CAD program. If, in the dialogue where the error text appeared, the "Exit" option was selected, users could import the measurements that had been carried out in the CAD program in Arquimedes without any problem. This error no longer appears in the 2019.c version.

Export information to the BIM model

As of the 2019.b version, “Arquimedes” and “Arquimedes and job control” can be connected to a BIM model that is located on the BIMserver.center platform to export the following project information, if it is included in the program:

  • Quality control program
  • Construction and demolition waste analysis
  • Life cycle analysis
  • Project specifications
  • Quantities
  • Bill of quantities

This information can be imported by the CYPE Memorias CTE program, which will use it to complete the corresponding section of the project documentation.

To do so, a new option has been included in "Arquimedes", and "Arquimedes and Job control": "Export documents to BIMserver.center" (File > Export), which opens a panel with the same name. In this panel, the user can choose the BIM project to which the information is to be exported (from amongst the projects in which the user participates) or to create a new BIM project.

In the start screen of Arquimedes (implemented in version 2019.a), there is also a new section that allows users to connect or disconnect from the BIMserver.center platform or access it using the Web browser used by users.

More options in the Job Control toolbar

To help with the introduction and visualisation of job control data, the following buttons have been provided in the Job control toolbar:

  •  Purchase groups
    Allows users to create or access supplier groups. Using this tool, users can more easily offer requests, price offers, and hence, elect contracts to be carried out.
  • Job supplies
    Displays a list with all the unit items that have been used in the projects and allows users to organise them into purchase groups to be able to generate purchase comparatives and contracts more easily.
  • Contract supplies
    Allows users to select the job supplies that are to be contracted and to prepare the required comparatives to decide which supplier the purchase is to be assigned.
  • Purchase comparatives
    Shows all the price comparatives that have been defined in the project and allows users to generate the contracts of the supplies that have yet to be contracted.
  • Generate contracts
    Allows the program to run through all the purchase comparatives to locate all the supplies that have yet to be contracted and have an assigned supplier, to propose which contracts have to be generated.
  • Job contracts
    Displays a list containing all the existing contracts of the current project.

Window viewing system

In the 2019.a version of Arquimedes, users can choose between two window view systems (Classic system and System based on tabs). Either system can be activated using the “Windows systems” option of the “Window” menu:

  • Classic system
    This is the window viewing system that was available as of previous versions. Users can organise the views and windows of the open databases in “Cascade”, “Horizontal mosaic” and “Vertical mosaic”.

  • System based on tabs
    If this option is activated, a window with several tabs, which correspond to the views of the databases that are open, is displayed.

    Different groups of windows can be organised (“Vertical groups”, “Horizontal groups” or “Floating widows) with one or several tabs. This organisation can be done from:

    • The “Window” menu

    • The contextual menu of each tab
      This menu drops down by pressing the arrow that appears when the mouse cursor is placed on a tab.

    • Manually
      By dragging each tab to the desired position. Whilst the tab is being dragged, it is translucent and displays a blurred diagram so users can place the new tab in a new window, next to the one from which it came from (above, below to the left or to the right).

The view system based on tabs is helpful for users to organise the views and windows of the open databases. Furthermore, the floating windows of the view system can be moved freely, even to other monitors user may have for the same machine.

Presentation dialogue or start

As of the 2019.a version, when Arquimedes is launched, a presentation window is displayed where users can select the bill of quantities, price bank, work area or example that is to be opened. This way, databases (bill of quantities or price banks) are more easily opened, or work areas more easily loaded.

The presentation window appears if no databases were open when Arquimedes was closed in the previous session.

This window shows the sections, which display the information of the bills of quantities, price banks, work areas or examples that are available.

Several databases can be selected at the same time from the same section. To open the selected databases or work areas, simply click the “Enter” key of the keyboard.