IFC Builder
IFC Builder is a free CYPE application designed for the creation and maintenance of IFC building models.
Open BIM Analytical Model
Open BIM Analytical Model is a tool that develops analytical models for thermal and acoustic simulations. It includes different options that allow an analytical model to be created directly from the program itself, or to be automatically generated from BIM models in IFC format.
Thermal load calculation of buildings according to the Radiant Time Series Method (RTSM), proposed by ASHRAE, integrated in the Open BIM workflow.
CYPETHERM EPlus is an application for the simulation and modelling of buildings with EnergyPlus™.
CYPETHERM Improvements Plus
CYPETHERM Improvements Plus is a program designed to carry out the energy audit of buildings and analysis of possible improvement measures, with an energy and economic study of the different alternatives, aimed at connecting with CYPETHERM programs with the EnergyPlus™ analysis engine (CYPETHERM EPlus, CYPETHERM HE Plus and CYPETHERM SCE-CS Plus).
CYPELUX is a tool created to calculate the lighting levels of normal and emergency lighting installations.
CYPELUX EN allows users to verify the lighting requirements proposed in standard EN 12464-1, depending on the type of activity, for indoor work places.
CYPELUX LEED is an application that helps users to comply with Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) requirements regarding natural light defined by the LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design). More specifically, the program verifies LEED v4.0 IEQ CREDIT 8.1 using option 2 (Simulation: Illuminance analyses).
AcouBAT by CYPE is a tool developed by CYPE and the CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) with the aim to help users study the sound insulation and absorption of buildings. It calculates the indices that evaluate the insulation of airborne sound (indoor and outdoor), impact sound insulation and the reverberation level in indoor spaces, in accordance with the procedure contained in the EN ISO 12354:2017 code.
Design and verification of the sound insulation against airborne noise and impact noise, sound immission and reverberation level.