
Importing DXF, DWG, PDF and JPG drawings

Clicking on the first tool, "DXF-DWG templates", will open a pop-up window called "Template views manager" in which templates can be managed and imported to the job in DXF, DWG, PDF or JPG formats, among others.

When clicking on the "Add" option, another window called "Available files" will appear. Here, a new file is added from "Add" and the type of format to be displayed is changed ("DXF-DWG files" appears by default). Select the file and accept the window. If the document consists of several pages, the "Page number" to be imported must be specified.

Once the templates have been imported to the job, select the tool located on the right, "DXF-DWG Templates (F4)", to proceed with the selection of views. Once the desired view has been selected, the window is accepted and it will appear in the graphic window of the current view.

In order to snap entities or elements from the previously imported DXF or DWG file, the third tool, "Template object snaps (F3)", must be activated. From the pop-up window, the "Activate object snaps" checkbox and/or the "Activate object snap tracking" checkbox can be marked, along with the references that will be active.